Archives of Organ Transplantation Submit Manuscript

    About AOT

    Organ transplantation is a surgical procedure to replace a failing, diseased organ with a healthier donor organ, such as a heart, liver, kidney, or lung. Donor organs can come from deceased donors, which is always the case in heart transplants, or from living donors, which can happen in kidney, liver, and, rarely, lung transplants. Organ transplantation is the last resort for a person with a failing or diseased organ. Organ transplantation is considered on an individual basis. For some patients, it is a life-saving option, while other patients may be deemed poor candidates for a transplant.

    Through Archive of Organ Transplantation, Peertechz provides transplant practitioners and researchers an opportunity to share valuable, experienced and recent views about organ transplantations with fellow medical practitioners, post graduate students, educational institutions, libraries and hospitals and provide experienced insights and reviews regarding liver, kidney, bone marrow, heart and lung transplantations to the readers.

    Why Archive of Organ Transplantation?

    Organ transplantation is a major surgery that carries potential risks and drawbacks, such as the chance of organ rejection. Over the course of the last century, organ transplantation has overcome major technical limitations to become the success it is today. The breakthroughs include developing techniques for vascular anastomoses, managing the immune response and devising preservation solutions that enable prolonged periods of ex vivo storage while preserving function. However, one challenge that has remained from the outset is to overcome the shortage of suitable donor organs.

    Peertechz realize these facts that an individual and his/her loved ones needs to gather as much information as possible on organ transplants, prior to transplant. Peertechz's Archive of Organ Transplantation is a scholarly journal that addresses ground breaking original research and state of the art review articles related to all types of organ and tissue transplants.

    Advantages of Peertechz's Archive of Organ Transplantation

    1. Peertechz provides a rapid turn-around time possible for reviewing and publishing and to disseminate the articles freely for research, teaching and reference purposes. We also target to provide high quality, meticulously reviewed and rapid publication, to cater the insistent need of scientific community interested in organ transplantation research.
    2. The Archive of Organ Transplantation is freely available on the public internet domain, allowing any end users to read, download, copy, distribute, and link to the full texts of the articles.
    3. The Archive of Organ Transplantation publishes the most exciting researches with respect to the organ transplantation research.
    4. The Archive of Organ Transplantation will release special issues edited by existing and guest editors.
    5. All publications are promoted via social networking sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and Face book etc. The scholarly Journal is rapidly available, and easy to get worldwide through internet for development of this field.
    6. All articles of Archive of Organ Transplantation are published under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.
    7. Readers can copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.
    8. The editors and peer reviewers of Archive of Organ Transplantation are requested to promote judgment based on scientific and technical validity of the work with useful feedback.
    9. Peertechz's Archive of Organ Transplantation provides an immense opportunity for scientists to publish their work as original articles, review articles, case reports and short communication.
    10. The Archive of Organ Transplantation uses Editorial Manager System for quality in the review process.
