Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology Submit Manuscript

    Bempedoic acid: A new player in lipid-lowering

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-2976.000205

    Published On: May 07, 2024 | Pages: 022 - 023

    Author(s): Walter F Riesen*
    Elevated LDL cholesterol remains one of the most important cardiovascular risk factors. For this reason, great scientific efforts have been made in recent decades to reduce elevated LDL cholesterol levels. After statins, ezetrol, and PCSK9 inhibitors, bempedoic acid is a new promising option for the treatment of LDL-cholesterol. Bempedoic acid is an inhibitor of aden ... CrossMark Publons Harvard Library HOLLIS Search IT Semantic Scholar Get Citation Base Search Scilit OAI-PMH ResearchGate Academic Microsoft GrowKudos Universite de Paris UW Libraries SJSU King Library SJSU King Library NUS Library McGill DET KGL BIBLiOTEK JCU Discovery Universidad De Lima WorldCat VU on WorldCat
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    Atherosclerosis and wine

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-2976.000204

    Published On: March 12, 2024 | Pages: 018 - 021

    Author(s): Bozidar Kocmur*

    ORCID Logo  0000-0002-9458-5569

    One of the most important risk factors for the origin and development of atherosclerosis is certainly excessive intake of fat in everyday nutrition. This risk factor, and the way it affects the origin and development of atherosclerosis, is described in the article “Atherosclerosis and lymph/risk factors”. In this article, based on verified and proven facts, it is sugg ... CrossMark Publons Harvard Library HOLLIS Search IT Semantic Scholar Get Citation Base Search Scilit OAI-PMH ResearchGate Academic Microsoft GrowKudos Universite de Paris UW Libraries SJSU King Library SJSU King Library NUS Library McGill DET KGL BIBLiOTEK JCU Discovery Universidad De Lima WorldCat VU on WorldCat
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    Raising awareness of cardiovascular diseases: A silent killer in South Africa

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-2976.000203

    Published On: February 17, 2024 | Pages: 013 - 017

    Author(s): Mteto Qhayiya Fihla*

    ORCID Logo  0000-0001-5789-4349

    Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in the Republic of South Africa (RSA), surpassing all cancers combined. It is estimated that the disease is responsible for 215 deaths daily, with a 17.3% death rate. Common risk factors for the disease include hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesteremia, overweight and obesi ... CrossMark Publons Harvard Library HOLLIS Search IT Semantic Scholar Get Citation Base Search Scilit OAI-PMH ResearchGate Academic Microsoft GrowKudos Universite de Paris UW Libraries SJSU King Library SJSU King Library NUS Library McGill DET KGL BIBLiOTEK JCU Discovery Universidad De Lima WorldCat VU on WorldCat
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