The Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions is a response to the need to dramatically increase oral health literacy and access to preventive and restorative care among underserved world-wide populations. At Peertechz, we believe that education and prevention are the ultimate keys to extending good oral health to those who don't have it.
The Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions work with an ultimate objective that the manuscripts it is publishing increases awareness of the importance of oral health and how to become and stay healthy, through community outreach.
Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions adheres to double-blind peer review policy for the submitted manuscripts. In double-blind peer review system, the identity of both the author and reviewer is kept hidden. As the reviewers are unaware who wrote the manuscript, they cannot be influenced by their standing within a research community. Moreover, reviewers feel free to comment on the works of experienced and experts of a discipline.
In order to expedite the review process; authors are suggested to send two documents- Title page and manuscript. The title page will contain the details of the corresponding authors and co-authors. However; it is not mandatory to send two documents.
Journal Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Peertechz's publication ethics and publication malpractice statement is mainly based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. We strictly adhere to the ethical guidelines for nondiscriminatory publication and expect the same from the authors, editors and reviewers. We have summarized the expected ethical duties under following aspects:
Editors' ethical duties
Reviewers' ethical duties
Authors' ethical duties
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