Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions Submit Manuscript

    Executive Editor(s)

    Mohamed Abdullah Jaber
    Oral Surgery
    Ajman University
    United Arab Emirate

    Prof Mohamed A. Jaber BDS, PhD, MSc, FDS RSC Ed., FDS RCD Eng., FDSRCPS Glasg, MFDTRCSE. Dr. Mohamed Abdullah Jaber was the professor and head of the Surgical Sciences Department at the Dental College of Ajman University of Science and Technology. He was also the Director of Quality Assurance and Institutional effectiveness Unit of Ajman University of Science and Technology. His clinical work includes management of patients with oral mucosal diseases, salivary gland diseases, TMJ diseases and trigeminal neuralgia. Management of patients with oral premalignant lesions and patients with oral epithelial dysplasia, chronic facial pain patient, and performing oral surgical procedures under local with or without sedation (IV) and general anaesthesia. Dr. Jaber has many publications in peer-reviewed journals. And act as peer reviewers for many journals which includes Journal of Cancer Detection and Prevention, Journal of Applied Oral Science, Journal of Investigative Pathology, Ibnosina Journal of Medical Basic Science, Cancer Epidemiology, Indian Journal of Dental Research, Oral Oncology, Medical Journal of Case Report, International Journal of Oral Sciences, Saudi Dental Journal, BioMed Central Journal, Hospital Psychology Journal, Int Journal of Paediatric Dent, European Journal of General Dentistry, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Journal of Cranio-Maxillary Diseases, Applied Scientific Reports and Annual Research Review in Biology (ARRB). He serve as academic editor of Applied Life Science International Journal and Associate Editor/Editorial Board member of Austin Journal of Autism & Related Disabilities, Open Journal of Stomatology, Applied Scientific Reports, J of Dental Problems & Solutions, Aperito Journal of Oral Health & Dentistry, International journal of Oral and Dental Health and International Journal of Experimental Dental Science His research interest includes Oral epithelial dysplasia, Oral pre-cancer, facial trauma Facial pain and dental education. Dr. Jaber also received numerous awards including Al-Awais Award for Scientific Research and selected as Fellow by the Academy of Dentistry International Ohio, USA. This is in recognition for the outstanding achievement in the field of dentistry and for the services to the profession. Currently Prof Jaber is the director of the oral surgery graduate program at Hamdan Bin Mohammed College of Dental Medicine, MBR University for Medicine and Health Sciences.

    Research interest: Oral Precancer, Oral Epithelial Dysplasia, Facial Pain,Facial trauma, Dental Education

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    Editorial Board

    Deborah J Mattheus
    Associate Professor
    School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
    University of Hawaii

    Biography: Dr. Mattheus has over 30 years of experience as a certified pediatric nurse practitioner including 12 years as a nursing educator.  She is currently involved in the education of graduate nursing students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene (SONDH). She serves on the University IRB committee, several committees at the SONDH and also within the community. She is an editorial board member for the Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions and the International Journal of Oral and Dental Health.

    Dr. Mattheus research has focused on improving the oral health outcomes for women and children and reducing oral health disparities in the State of Hawaii.  She has presented her research at local and national conferences and has received funding to continue her work here in the State of Hawaii.

    Research Interest: Improving Oral Health Outcomes in the Pediatric Population, Development of Oral Health Promotion Programs in Primary Care Practice and Oral Health Assessment and Managment to Improving Oral Health Status During Pregnancy.

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    Tolga Fikret Tozum
    Associate Professor
    Department of Periodontics
    University of Illinois

    Research Interest: Clinical Studies Including Health and Diseased Implants, Peri-Implant
    Crevicular Fluid, Enzymes and Bone Turnover Markers Around Dental Implants, Computerized Tomographic Bone Density Changes. Impact of Different Types of Loading on Implant Stability, Marginal Bone Loss and Nitric Oxide Metabolism. Dental Implant Stability with Resonance Frequency Analysis Devices and Mobility Measuring Device. Comparison of Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic Implant Surfaces.

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    Olusegun Alonge
    Dental Director
    College of Dentistry
    University of Illinois

    Research Interest: Epidemiology of Oral Cancer, Dental Caries, Dental Trauma, Periodontal Disease.

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    Elham Kateeb
    Assistant Professor
    Public Policy Center
    University of Iowa
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    Nelson Wood
    School of Dental Medicine
    University of Pennsylvania

    Biography: Dr. Nelson Wood has been practicing dentistry since 1982. He holds a D.M.D. from the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Dental Medicine and a Doctorate of Science degree in Nutritional Sciences from Boston University School of Dental Medicine. He is currently in private practice and was an Associate Professor in the Department of Periodontics and Preventive Sciences at the University Of Mississippi Medical Center School Of Dentistry. He was also an instructor in Restorative Dentistry and a Research Associate at Boston University School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Wood has published over 50 articles and abstracts on oral health and nutrition. He has also authored several book chapters. Dr. Wood is on the editorial board of several peer-reviewed journal publications. 

    Research Interest: Restorative Dentistry

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    Swati Ahuja
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Prosthodontics
    UTHSC College of Dentistry

    Research Interest: Implant Overdentures, Hybrid Restorations, Restorative Space in Implant Overdentures and Cone Beam CT in Dental Practice

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    Prabhu Soorebettu
    School of Dentistry
    Charles Sturt University

    Research Interest: School of Dentistry and Health Sciences Profile

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    Xavier Riaud
    Associate Member
    Dental Surgery
    National Academy of Dental Surgery

    Research Interest: History of dentistry and forensic dentistry.

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    Giuseppe Scardina
    Aggregate Professor
    Department of Stomatological Sciences
    University of Study of Palermo

    Research Interest: Role of the neuropeptidis in the flogosis of the oral mucosa.

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    Gianni Frisardi
    Orofacial Pain Centre
    Medical and Dentistry Center

    Biography: Gianni Frisardi has completed his bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Dentistry in 1983 and 1987 respectively at the “La Sapienza” University in Rome. In 1993 he attained a Master in Bioengineering and his experimental thesis “Mandibular Kinematics has been awarded by the ENEA Institute. He worked for several years in the trigeminal neurophysiology laboratory in order to transfer the know how in the field of the gnathology. He published papers in reputed journals and in 2014 was candidated as Editor by the World Dental Federation for the International Dental Journal. He has been Visiting Professor at the University of Rome, Chieti, Ancona and currently at the University of Sassari in the Department of Masticatory Rehabilitation and Orofacial Pain.

    Research Interest: Gnathology, Temporomandibolar Disorders, Orofacial Pain and Orthodontics.

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    Andrea Mascolo
    Academic Director
    European Institute of Medical Studies (EIMS) Head of Institution – EIMS, Malta
    University Fernando Pessoa (UFP)

    Graduated with honours in Dentistry, University of Genoa, 2001, Certificado de Postgrado en Cirugia Oral Basica, University of Santa Clara, Cuba 2002 Master's Degree in Oral Surgery and Odontostomatological Urgency, University of Pisa 2003. Qualified for Implantology at the Branemark Clinic Dental Health Care Gothenburg in March 2003. Summer School for Clinical Implantology and Periodontology University of Heidelberg, Germany 2004 Founder/Active member CAI Academy (Computer Aided Implantology Academy). Professor by contract at the University of Genoa from 2001 to 2011 (Periodontology/Odontostomatological Diseases). He has collaborated with National Centre of WHO (World Health Organization), University of Milan. Was been surgical consultant of DAMA project (disabled advanced Medical Assistance) University of Milan (2011-2012). Speaker and author of articles in Italy and abroad, international peer reviewer. He collaborates with several European Universities on training in Minimally Invasive Implantology. Appointed Associate Professor of Dental Sciences at the Facultade de Ciências da Saúde, University Fernando Pessoa (UFP) Porto - Portugal. He has become Academic Director (Head of Institution) of European Institute for Medical Studies (EIMS) H.E.I. Malta, 2017. EIMS H.E.I. accredited by NCFHE Malta (license 2018-004) is a new concept of Graduate School He proposed for the first time to World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry (WCMID), 2010/2011: the minimally invasive applications in Implantology and the mini implants applications in medical compromised patients. Private practice in Italy, Novi Ligure (AL) devoted mainly to minimally invasive surgical procedures, and rehabilitation of medical compromised patients.

    Research Interest:  Oral surgery, Medical compromised patients in dentistry, Implantology, Minimally invasive Procedures in Implantology, Dental education

    Skype ID:   andreamascolodds

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    Zakirulla Meer
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontic Sciences
    King Khalid University
    Saudi Arabia

    Dr. Zakirulla Meer completed his BDS in 2003 from the KGF College of Dental Sciences, KGF, India, and completed his masters (MDS) in Pediatric Dentistry from prestigious College of Dental Sciences (CODS), Davangere in 2007. Presently working as Assistant Professor in College of Dentistry King Khalid University, Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Zakirulla Meer has authored over 50 scientific articles, and serves as a reviewer/board member to many national and international journals. He has also attended many conferences and has also been the chair person and judge for poster presentations & scientific paper presentations at various national conferences. He is also an active speaker at various national and international conference. He is an active member of various committees dealing with scientific research, student welfare, social causes, environmental issues, sports activities in the college. He was awarded the best paper award by faculty at 13th Annual Research Day held at King Khalid University in 2018. He is a life member of ISPPD (Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry) and SDS (Saudi Dental Society).

    Research Interest:  Teaching, Clinical Research in Pediatric Dentistry, dental caries, Pulp Therapy, Dental Traumatology, Surveys, Epidemiology.

    URL:  Google Scholar Link:
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    Publons Link:

    List of Publications:

    1.    Zakirulla M, Uloopi K.S, Reddy V.V. Subba. “Invivo comparison of reduction in bacterial count after caries excavation with three different techniques”. J Dent Child, January/April 2011;78(1):31-35.
    2.    Shashikiran ND, Reddy VV, Yavagal CM, Zakirulla M. Application of Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in contemporary pediatric dentistry. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2006; 30(4): 283-286.
    3.    Sadatullah S, Odusanya S, Mustafa A, Abdul Razak P, Abdul Wahab M, Meer Zakirulla. Prevalence of Mesiopalatal Cusp in the upper molars (Caravelli trait) in Saudi Arabian school students. Int. J. Morphol 2012; 30(2):757-760.
    4.    Rafi A Togoo, Nasim VS, Zakirulla Meer, Syed Yaseen. Knowledge and practice of pulp therapy in deciduous teeth among general dental practitioners in 2 cities of southern Saudi Arabia. Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research. July 2012; 2(2):119-123.
    5.    Sachin B. Mangalekar, Tajammul Ahmed, M Zakirulla, Halawar Sangmesh Shivappa, F. B. Bheemappa, Chandrashekar Yavagal. Molariform Mesiodens in Primary Dentition. Case Rep Dent. 2013; 2013:750107. doi: 10.1155/2013/750107. Epub 2013 Mar 31.
    6.    Yaseen SM, Togo RA, Zakirulla M, Al-Dheer AM, Al-Futaih MA, Al-Jalal AA, Al-Qahtani NA. Dental erosion among 12-15-year-old school boys in southern Saudi Arabia. Arch Orofac Sci 2013; 8(1):1-6.
    7.    Zakirulla Meer. Malocclusion in deciduous dentition of Saudi children: A cross-sectional study. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 2012. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 2012; 11(4): 343-346.
    8.    Al-Hammadi AA, Al-Rabai NA, Togoo RA, Zakirulla M, Alshahrani I, Alshahrani A. Knowledge, attitude, and behavior related to use of miswak (Chewing Stick): A cross-sectional study from aseer region, Saudi Arabia. Contemp Clin Dent 2018 Jun; 9 (Suppl 1):S64-S68. doi: 10.4103/ccd.ccd_45_18.
    9.    Rawan A Saddah, Shahad H Alhassani, Rafi A Togoo, Zakirulla M. Awareness about emergency management of dental trauma among nursing interns in Saudi Arabia. Medical Science 2018; 22(91):279-287.
    10.    Abu-Melha AS, Zakirulla M, Almojathel Alqisi AY, Qasem Khawshal AA. Evaluation of cell pack paper points before and after sterilization: A microbiological study. Int J of Med Dent 2018;22(2):144-148.
    11.    Alshahrani I, Tikare S, Zakirulla M, Mustafa A, Abdulwahab M, Sadatullah S. Prevalence of dental caries among male students aged 15-17 years in Southern Asir, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Dent J 2018 Jul;30(3):214-218. doi: 10.1016/j.sdentj.2018.03.003. Epub 2018 Apr 3.
    12.    Zakirulla M, Essa A Khormi, Hamed M Bakri, Mohammed Y Tarrosh, Mosa A Shubayr, Hussain Almubarak. “Prevalence of Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) in 7-10 year old school children in southern Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study”. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health-2018;Special Feb (2):192-207.
    13.    Shaik Mohammed Asif, Naheeda Shaik, Bhavna Barthunia, Sultan Mohammed Kaleem, M Zakirulla, Mohammed Zahir Kota and Fawaz Abdul Hamid Baig. Nifedipine induced gingival enlargement in an edentulous patient: a case report with one year follow up. BMC Oral Health. 2018 Dec 27;18(1):227. doi: 10.1186/s12903-018-0690-4.
    14.    Shaik Mohammed Asif, Shaik Naheeda, Khalil Ibrahim Assiri, Hussain Mohammed AL Mubarak, M Zakirulla, Sultan Mohammed Kaleem, Fawaz Abdul Hamid Baig, Mohammed Zahir Kota. Oral Hygiene practice and Periodontal Status among Two Tribal Population of Telangana State, India- An Epidemiological Study. BMC Oral Health. 2019 Jan 9;19(1):8.
    15.    M Zakirulla, Amerah Bedah Muraih, Amjad Ali Al-whlan, Ohood Saeed Almerei, Rasha Hussain Al-zahrani, Abdulaziz Bedah Alshahrani, Allah Baksh Meer. Dental students’ knowledge and practices regarding antibiotic prescribing guidelines in children in Abha, KSA: A cross sectional study. Medical Science, 2019, 23(96), 179-184.
    16.    Sharaf ALOTHMAN, Shatha MOHAMMED, Nada ALRABAI, Asma ASIRI, Ibrahim ALSHAHRANI, Rafi TOGOO, M ZAKIRULLA. Variation in the buccal surface morphology of primary first molars among Saudi children. Int J Med Dent 2019;23(1):74-78.

    More Info.
    Khamis Ahmed Hassan
    Department of Restorative Dental Sciences
    King Saud University
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: Bond strength of composite resins, microleakage and repair, Placement techniques for composite resins, polymerization shrinkage and curing lights, Adhesive resins and resin cements, Bleaching of discolored teeth. 

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    Syed Mohammed Yassin
    Assistant Professor
    King Khalid University
    Saudi Arabia
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    Mohammed Nadeem A Bijle
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Preventive Dental Sciences
    Saudi Arabia

    Biography: Dr. Mohammed Nadeem Bijle is currently associated as an Assistant Professor in Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Preventive Dental Sciences, Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His research thrust areas are Chemo-mechanical Caries Removal System, Pediatric Emergencies in Dental Office & Lasers in Pediatric Dentistry. Associated branches like Intellectual Property Rights, Research and Publications have received his major contributions in the form of renowned papers published and his service as an Editorial Board Member to various National and International peer reviewed journals. He has also been known for Dental Photography and has trained numerous dentists till date in the art through his self-designed valued workshops.

    Research Interest: Chemo-mechanical Caries Removal System, Pediatric Emergencies in Dental Office, Lasers in Pediatric Dentistry, Intellectual Property Rights, Dental Photography, Research and Publications. 

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    Nilminie Rathnayake
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Dental Medicine
    Karolinska Institute

    Research Interest: Human Saliva is a Fluid with Many Biological Functions, and Essential for the Maintenance of Oral Health. It is known that many Substances found in Peripheral Blood are also found in Saliva, although generally lower concentrations are found in Saliva than in Blood. With the emergence of New and Highly Sensitive Technologies, it is now possible to analyse Minute Quantities of Substances in Human Saliva. Proteomics Technologies have allowed the Determination of over 1,000 Proteins in Human Whole Saliva. Several Studies Report Local and Systemic Biomarkers Appearing in Saliva, Including Electrolytes, Blood Products, Enzymes and Tissue Destruction Molecules, Inflammatory Markers as Well as Proteins Putatively Associated With Deadly Diseases.  Much of the Early Research on Saliva Focused on its Local Biomarker Function, as an Indicator of Periodontal Health. Support for the use of Saliva for the Detection of CVD and Myocardial Infarction is Built on the Framework that many Serum Biomarkers Associated with Inflammation, Atherosclerosis, Plaque Stability, and Myocardial Damage are known and appear in Oral Fluids. 

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    Cecilia Young
    Dental Consultant
    Dental Surgery
    Private Practice
    United Kingdom


    Dr. Cecilia Young was trained at the Prince Dental Philip Dental Hospital and graduated from the University of Hong Kong with the Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 1994. She has been a general dental practitioner and an independent researcher. She obtained her Master in Public Health in 2006.

    She was the Consultant for the The Federation of H.K. Chinese Travel Agents Ltd., Dental consultant and columnist of The Hong Kong Economic Journal and Health Plus Magazine. She has been the Consultant and columnist of Physician, Pharmacist, People Health Magazine since 2002. 

    Research interest: Dental Emergency Epidemiology, Health Education, Health Promotion, Low Level Light Therapy, Dental Trauma, Dental Scaling


    1. Survey on Misunderstanding of Dental Scaling in Hong Kong (International Journal of Dental Hygiene 6 2008, 25-36)

    2. Effectiveness of Educational Poster on Knowledge of Emergency Management of Dental Trauma--Part 2: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial for Secondary School Students. Young C, Wong KY, Cheung LK. PLoS One. 2014 Aug5;9(8):e101972. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101972. eCollection 2014.

    3. A Survey on Hong Kong Secondary School Students' Knowledge of Emergency Management of Dental Trauma. Young C, Wong KY, Cheung LK. PLoS One. 2014Jan 6;9(1):e84406. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084406. eCollection 2014.

    4. Effectiveness of Educational Poster on Knowledge of Emergency Management of Dental Trauma--Part 1: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial for Primary and Secondary School Teachers. Young C, Wong KY, Cheung LK. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 11;8(9):e74833. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074833. eCollection 2013.

    5. Emergency Management of Dental Trauma: Knowledge of Hong Kong Primary and Secondary School Teachers. Young C, Wong KY, Cheung LK. Hong Kong Med J. 2012 Oct;18(5):362-70.

    6. Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT): Penetration and Photobiomodulation. Young C, Mak CL. J Oral Health Craniofac Sci. 2017; 2: 080-082.

    7. “Could Ethics Committees please welcome Independent Researchers?” Cecilia YOUNG. Oral Health and Dentistry 1.4 (2017): 180-182.

    8. Editorial : Maxillofacial trauma and Psychological Stress” Journal of Medical and Psychological Trauma (2018) Cecilia Young, CYYJ Yeung Journal of Medical and Psychological Trauma Volume No: 1 Issue No:1

    9. Patient Perception from Internet on Adverse Effects vs Benefits of Vaccination - An Internet Message from a Public Figure in Hong Kong Cecilia Young* and TH Tai ACTA SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL SCIENCES  April 30, 2018; Volume 2 Issue 2: 45-47.

    10. Editorial Case Report Ludwig Angina – The Longest Distance in This Planet Cecilia Young*, K. W. Y. Fong Advanced Emergency Medicine Volume 7 Issue 2 2018  
    More Info.
    Tze-Ta Huang
    Assistant Professor
    Institute of Oral Medicine
    National Cheng Kung University

    Biography: I was born in Taiwan in 1972, and graduated from the Department of Dentistry in the National Yang –Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan with a degree of the Doctor of Dental Surgery in 1996. I started my specialist training of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan as a residency. Then, I became the Oral and maxillofacial Surgeon, and the visiting staff in Buddhist Dalin Tzu Chi General Hospital, Chia-yi, Taiwan after 4 years training. Latter, I was promoted as the Director of the Dental Department in Buddhist Dalin Tzu Chi General Hospital. I was also graduated from master program, PhD program in the Institute of Molecular Biology of the National Chung Cheng University, Chia-yi, Taiwan in 2007, 2013. During the PhD program, I spent a year as visiting scholar from 2011-07 to 2012-06 in Ohio State University, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, USA under the mentor of Dr. Tim, Hui-Ming, Huang. My research interests are focusing of clinical practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and oral cancer carcinogenesis. We had accomplished the Next-generation Sequencing analysis of whole genome DNA methylation profile between oral cancer and normal oral mucosa. We will further valid these results and utilized in clinical practice.

    Research Interest: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Cancer Carcinogenesis.

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    Kristina Gorseta
    Assistant Professor
    Departmet of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry
    University of Zagreb

    Research Interest: On Dental Materials and Research Involving Oral Health Care in Paediatric Dentistry and on Dental Trauma in Children

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    Tomislav Badel
    Full Professor
    Department of Removable Prosthodontics
    University of Zagreb

    Research Interest: A Prospective Study on Temporomandibular Disorders (Disorders of Temporomandibular Joints and Masticatory Muscles) and Other Causes of Orofacial Pain of Non-Odontogenic Etiology (Such as Trigeminal Neuralgia, Headaches, Systemic and Local Rheumatic Diseases, Syndromes Related to Cervical Spine and other Painful Symptoms in the Orofacial Region) will be based on Patients' Data Collected in Standardised Studies from 2001 to Date.

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    Shyrley Diaz Cardenas
    Public Health
    Public Health
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    São Leopoldo Mandic

    Graduated in Dentistry by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (1988). PhD in Implant Dentistry by São Leopoldo Mandic (2016), MsC and Specialist in Oral Implantology by UNIGRANRIO (2007). He is currently coordinator of the MsC and Specialization Programs in Implantology at São Leopoldo Mandic - Vila Velha - ES, Coordinator of Advanced Study Group and Training in Implantology - GEATI, besides acting in private dental office. Reviewer of several national and international journals. He has experience in the field of dentistry, with emphasis on Implantology, Oral Surgery and Periodontics, acting on the following topics: dental implants, ossoeintegração, cosmetic surgery, bone grafting.

    Research Interest: Bone graft;  Dental Implants; Biomaterials

    List of Publications:

    Articles in Scientific Journals

    1. DIAS, EDUARDO ; SPERANDIO, MARCELO ; NAPIMOGA, MARCELO. Association Between Implant-Abutment Microgap and Implant Circularity to Bacterial Leakage: An In Vitro Study Using Tapered Connection Implants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS, v. 33, p. 505-511, 2018.

    2. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; CONZ, Marcio B; HARARI, Nassim David; CARDOSO, Eduardo Seixas; VIDIGAL JR, Guaracilei Maciel. Mucogingival Surgery in implant therapy. ImplantNewsPerio, v. 1, p. 354-362, 2016.

    3. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; Cotrim, Khalila C; Tebaldi, Fabrício D; Groisman, Mario. Revista Catarinense de Implantodontia , v. 17, p. 68-72, 2016.

    4. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; MOREIRA, R. S.; Groisman, Mario; VIDIGAL JR, Guaracilei Maciel. Survival rate evaluation of 101 short dental implants: a 48-months follow-up retrospective study. Implant News, v. 12, p. 63-68, 2015.

    5. Gonçalves, VF; Mendes, JO; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; Spagnol, Christina A; CHIARELLI, Fabio M. PerioNews, v. 8, p. 36-40, 2014.

    6. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; COTRIM, Khalila C; CONZ, Marcio B. Implant News , v. 11, p. 40-46, 2014.

    7. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; Cotrim, Khalila C; CARDOSO, Eduardo Seixas. Jacobs Journal of Microbiology and Pathology , v. 1, p. 010, 2014.

    8. FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz ; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; HARARI, Nassim David; CARDOSO, Eduardo Seixas; VIDIGAL JR, Guaracilei Maciel. Implant News , v. 11, p. 148-153, 2014.

    9. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos. Revista Brasileira de Dicas em Odontologia, v. 02, p. 30-33, 2013.

    10. CHIARELLI, F; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Revista Brasileira de Dicas em Odontologia, v. 2, p. 58-60, 2013.

    11. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; Bisognin, Edecir Décio Cargnin; HARARI, Nassim David; Machado, Silvio Jorge; SILVA, Cristiano H F Pereira da; Soares, Glória de Almeida; VIDIGAL JR, Guaracilei Maciel. The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants , v. 27, p. 346-351, 2012.
    12. VIEIRA, Luis Fernando Nemer; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; CARDOSO, Eduardo Seixas ; Machado, Silvio Jorge; SILVA, Cristiano H F Pereira da; VIDIGAL JR, Guaracilei Maciel. Implant Dentistry, v. 21, p. 390-393, 2012.

    13. Barbosa, Juliano Regis; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Implant News, v. 9, p. 86-91, 2012.

    14. PAIVA, JM; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. ImplantNews, v. 9, p. 685-691, 2012.

    15. Rocha, Ana Carla SM; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos; Spagnol, Christina A; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Perionews (São Paulo), v. 5, p. 416-422, 2011.

    16. Gadioli, Bárbara; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos; Rezende, Renata C. L. C. M. Dias ; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, v. 16, p. 8-10, 2011.

    17. Arantes, Natália RR; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, v. 17, p. 13-17, 2011.

    18. WANDEKOKEN, Carla M; Cunha, Lucilene MG; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia , v. 17, p. 18-22, 2011.

    19. Cotrim, Khalila C; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz; VIEIRA, Luis Fernando Nemer; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Osteonecrosis of the jaws induced by bisphosphonates: review of literature. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia , v. 17, p. 15-17, 2011.

    20. KIEPPER, Felipe; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; Borges Filho, Fausto F; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; GANHOTO, Rebecca ; FEITOSA, Alfredo Carlos Rodrigues. Perionews (São Paulo), v. 5, p. 630-635, 2011.

    21. Barbosa, Juliano Regis; ALVES, G. ; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Complications of treatement with osseointegrated implants. Prosthetics and maintenance phase. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, v. 16, p. 18-22, 2010.

    22. CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; Borges Filho, Fausto F. ; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; Fonseca, Hudson R. da Matta; FEITOSA, Alfredo. Periodontal Therapy performed with full moth desinfection or conventional quadrant-wise treatment:
    literature consideration. Perionews (São Paulo) , v. 4, p. 335-339, 2010.

    23. Rezende, Renata C. L. C. M. Dias ; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello . . Implant News , v. 7, p. 440-440, 2010.

    24. Bisognin, Edecir Décio Cargnin ; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; Soares, Glória de Almeida; VIDIGAL JR, Guaracilei Maciel. Evaluation of fit and bacterial leakage at implant-abutment interface at different implant systems. IMPLANT NEWS, v. 7, p. 801-810, 2010.

    25. Simon, Felippe Rodrigo; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos; ALVES, G. ; BOURGUIGNON FILHO, Aguimar de Matos ; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Use of homogenous bone graft for maxillary reconstruction: a case report. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, v. 16, p. 14-17, 2010.

    26. Moreira, Sabrina Intra ; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz ; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Antibiotics in Dental Implantology: How, when and why use them? Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, v. 16, p. 8-11, 2010.

    27. Barbosa, Juliano Regis; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz . . Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia , v. 15, p. 14-17, 2009.

    28. Tebaldi, Fabrício Dutra; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia , v. 02, p. 5-8, 2009.

    29. Borges Filho, Fausto F; Rezende, Renata C. L. C. M. Dias; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz ; ALVES, George; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, v. 3, p. 13-16, 2009.

    30. CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; Feres, M ; Duarte, Poliana M ; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; Spagnol, Christina A. Perionews (São Paulo) , v. 3, p. 283-289, 2009.

    31. REGIANI, L; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; VIEIRA, Luis Fernando Nemer ; ALVES, G. ; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, v. 13, p. 11-15, 2007.

    32. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz ; VIEIRA, Luis Fernando Nemer ; DARÓZ, Sandro René ; VIDIGAL JR, Guaracilei Maciel ; CONZ, Marcio Baltazar . . Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, v. Jan-Mar, p. 16-18, 2007.

    33. DEMUNER, C; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; FERREIRA, José Ricardo Muniz; VIDIGAL JR, Guaracilei Maciel. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, v. 13, p. 22-25, 2007.

    34. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; HARARI, Nassim David ; CONZ, Marcio Baltazar ; SILVA, Cristiano H F Pereira da ; VIDIGAL JR, Guaracilei Maciel. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia , Rio de Janeiro, v. 12, n. 1, p. 12-15, 2006.

    35. VIEIRA, Luis Fernando Nemer; VIDIGAL JR, Guaracilei Maciel; CARDOSO, Eduardo Seixas ; HARARI, Nassim David; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, v. 12, p. 19-22, 2006.

    36. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos; FEITOSA, Alfredo Carlos Rodrigues ; CAVALCANTI, Sabrina Maciel; KIEPPER, Felipe; GANHOTO, Rebecca. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil, v. 11, n. 02, p. 16-18, 2005.

    37. LIMA, Leonardo Mendes de; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos; BOURGUIGNON FILHO, Aguimar de Matos; FEITOSA, Alfredo Carlos Rodrigues; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello; SENDYK, Wilson. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Cirurgia Maxilofacial, Portugal, v. 43, n. 3, p. 165-169, 2005.

    38. da RÓS, Lorena; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; BOURGUIGNON FILHO, Aguimar de Matos ; FEITOSA, Alfredo Carlos Rodrigues ; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; BOFF, Patríca. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia , Brasil - Rio de Janeiro, v. 02, p. 10-14, 2004.

    39. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; FEITOSA, Alfredo Carlos Rodrigues ; da RÓS, Lorena. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia, Rio de Janeiro, v. 04, p. 10-13, 2004.

    40. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; da RÓS, Lorena; BOURGUIGNON FILHO, Aguimar de Matos. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia , Brasil, v. 01, p. 23-25, 2003.

    41. CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; BOURGUIGNON FILHO, Aguimar de Matos ; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; da RÓS, Lorena. RBP. Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia & Prótese sobre Implantes , Brasil, v. 10, n. 39, p. 194-199, 2003.

    42. CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; BOURGUIGNON FILHO, Aguimar de Matos; FEITOSA, Alfredo Carlos Rodrigues . . Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia , Brasil, v. 03, p. 06-08, 2003.

    43. BOURGUIGNON FILHO, Aguimar de Matos ; DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; CHIARELLI, Fábio Matos ; da RÓS, Lorena. UFES. Revista de Odontologia , Brasil, v. 5, n. 3, p. 39-45, 2003.

    44. DIAS, Eduardo Cláudio Lopes de Chaves e Mello ; BARROS, Marco Aurélio A de ; ANDRADE, Ricardo de . . Revista Brasileira de Implantodontia , Brasil, v. 03, p. 36-38, 2002.

    More Info.
    Vivek Padmanabhan
    Assistant Professor
    RAK College of Dental Sciences

    Research Interest: Diet counselling, Pit and fissure sealants, Flouride applications , Occlusal guidance, Myofunctional appliance therapy, Habit breaking appliance , Minor occlusal corrections using appliances, Space management, Ionomer restorations and other restorations, Apexogenesis, Apexification pulpectomy,  Root canal treatment ,Post and core restorations, Apicectomy and other minor endodontic surgical procedures, Removable and partial fixed dentures, Extractions of primary and permanent teeth, Surgical extraction of impacted teeth, Minor oral surgical procedures (abscess drainage, surgical excision of mucoceles, ranula and cystic lesions), Oral hygiene instructions, Education on proper brushing techniques, Scaling and root planning, Frenectomy and Frenotomy , Gingivectomy, Surgical exposure of impacted teeth

    More Info.
    Gheorghe Cornel Boitor
    Associate Professor
    Department of Dentistry
    Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

    Research Interest: Odontology, preventive dentistry and social medicine.

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    Hai Ming Wong
    Clinical Assistant Professor
    Paediatric Dentistry Unit
    Paediatric Dentistry The University of Hong Kong
    Hong Kong

    Research Interest: Social Impact of Child Oral Health, Dental Development and Anomalies, Children with Special Health Care Needs.


    More Info.
    Melinda Madlina
    Department of Paedodontics and Orthodontics
    Semmelweis University

    Research Interest: Oral Diseases, European Journal of Pediatric Dentistry, The Open Dentistry Journal, Caries Research, Collegium Antropologicum, European Journal of Orthodontics, BMC Oral Health, International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry, Acta Medica Academica, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Oral Health and Dental Management, The Journal of Dentists, Annals of General Psychiatry, „Fogorvosi Szemle” (Journal of Hungarian Dental Association)

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    Lei Liu
    Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    Sichuan University

    Biography: Prof. Lei LIU was born in Xinxiang, a little city located in Henan, China in 1973 and spent his teenage years there. In 1990, he had been Chengdu and was registered as a student for Medical Bachelor in West China University of Medical Sciences. He graduated with a Medical Bachelor's degree in June, 1995. In the same year he was accepted as a graduate student for M.D. and resident surgeon supervised by Prof. Shengwei Li and Hanzhang Wang, in Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Stomatology, West China University of Medical Sciences. He graduated in June 2000 and received his M.D. Then, he had worked as an attending staff of Division of Traumatic & Plastic Surgery, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University and a lecturer of  Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University from July 2000 to June 2002. In July 2002, he was promoted as an associate professor (Clinic) of Division of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University and an associate professor (Research) of Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University. In May 2003, he got a position as an advisor of postgraduate student for Medical Master, Graduate Faculty, Sichuan University. From 2008, he has worked as Professor (Clinic) of Division of Traumatic & Plastic Surgery, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Professor (Research), Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Professor (Research), State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, Sichuan University, Advisor of postgraduate students for PhD and MD, Graduate Faculty, Sichuan University.

    Research Interest: Management of Maxillofacial trauma and deformity, Cranio-maxillofacial Stem cell and regenerative medicine.

    More Info.
    Vesna Ambarkova
    Senior Scientific Associate
    Department of Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry
    Ss. Cyril and Methodius University

    Senior research fellow d-r Vesna Ambarkova has received her McS  in Ss.Cyril & Methodius  University during the period of 1994-2004. She has received Ph.D from Ss.Cyril & Methodius University in 2015. Currently, she is working as teaching assistant  in the Department for preventive and pediatric dentistry at the Ss.Cyril & Methodius University. She have successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities as   a member of the Coordinating body for prevention of oral diseases in children 0 to 14 years of the Republic of Macedonia for the period 2008 to 2018 designated by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Macedonia.

    Her research has included dental age estimation, oral health, DMFT scores, ethics, inform consent, fluoridated drinking water.   Based on this research and fellowship training he has received several awards and honors, such as: Acknowledgement awarded for active participation in the pursuit of goals and objectives of the Macedonian Medical Association, 2000.   Acknowledgement awarded by the Faculty of Stomatology at the jubilee - 50 years of existence as  appreciation for participation in the work of the Faculty of Stomatology 2009. The winner of the certificate shown great results in scientific research in 2014 by the rector of St. Cyril and Methodius.

    She is serving as an editorial member of several reputed journals like  Journal of Dental Applications, Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences, International Journal of Oral and Dental Health, Peertechz Journal of Biological Research and Development   and Austin Journal of dentistry  & expert Reviewers for journals like  Acta Stomatologica Croatica, Collegium antropologicum, Journal of Cranio-Maxillary Diseases and Journal of Theory, Journal of Dental and Oral Health, Edorium Journal of Dentistry, Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research, Annals of Forensic Research and Analysis, Journal of Nutrition and  Health Sciences, Annals of Anatomy, European Journal of Forensic Science, Allied Academies Journal, Journal of dentistry and orofacial surgery, Journal of International Society of Preventive and   Comunity Dentistrtry  and Practice of Dental Public Health. 

    She has authored many research articles, Тhe National Strategy for  Prevention of Oral Diseases for  children of 0-14 year of the Republic of Macedonia and Guidebook for Implementation of the National Strategy for  Prevention of Oral Diseases for  children of 0-14 year of the Republic of Macedonia. Ministry of Health, Department for Dental Health Care,Skopje, 2010. 

     She is a member of  Macedonian Stomatological Chamber., Macedonian Medical Society. Macedonian Stomatological Society, Member of Association of specialists in Pediatric and Preventive dentistry of the Republic of Macedonia, Member of International association of pediatric dentists, Member of International Society for Fluoride Research INC, International Association for Paleodontology. She has honored as а member of organizing committee of the 5-th Macedonian Dental Congress with International Participation, which was held in Ohrid, 2009.

    Research Interest: Rare diseases, Dental caries, Oral epidemiology, Special care dentistry


    Travel grants from the European Association of Dental Public Health for participation at the Congress EADPH 2015 20th EADPH Congress

    17th-19th September 2015, 23th EADPH Congress, 18th-20th October 2018, Palam de Mallorca, Spain.

    22th EADPH Congress, 8th-10th June 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania

    24th EADPH Congress, 12th-14th September 2019 Ghent, Belgium

    ORCA Conference Travel Fellowship for attending the Congress 2015 Athens Greece

    More Info.
    Hakan Kamalak
    Restorative Dentistry
    Firat University

    Kamalak H. was born in 1988 and achieved his DDS degree in Faculty of Dentistry  from Ankara University in 2011. He gained his PhD in 2015 and his professorship in 2015.


    On 11 November 2015, Professor Kamalak H. became the first President of Restorative Dentistry at Fırat University.  Prior to his appointment as President, he was an expert dentist at İnönü University (since 2012)

    Research and teaching

    Hakan Kamalak’s scientific production is extensive, including more than 45 scientific articles in international and national publications.

    He has served as a referee for several scientific journals, including Medical and Dentistry. He has extensive teaching experience and led to the establishment of Fırat Universit, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry in Turkey. Meanwhile, Hakan is the President of the International Oral Research Association (ORAD).

    More Info.
    Bernardo Oliveira de Campos
    Department of Dental Surgery and Implantology
    Dentistry Rio de Janeiro State University

    Research Interest: Periodontal Plastic Surgery, Estetic Surgery,Mucogingival Estetic surgery

    Periimplantitis, Periodontal Desease,Periodontal medicine

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    Marco Aurelio Benini Paschoal
    Dentistry of Bauru
    University CEUMA

    Research Interest: Oral Microbiology, Pediatric Dentistry.

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    Doris Hissako Sumida
    Associate Professor
    Department of Basic Sciences
    Sao Paulo State University

    Research Interest: Physiology, Endocrinal Physiology.

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    Emmanuel JNL Silva
    Associate Professor
    Department of Oral Health and Dental Management
    Grande Rio University

    Research Interest: Endodontics.

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    Amer A. Taqa
    College of Dentistry
    Mosul University

    Biography: Amer A. Taqa is a Professor at Dental Basic Science, College dentistry, Mosul University, Iraq. Have PhD degree in Dental chemistry. He has published more 100 researches papers in national and international academic journals and authored 22 books. His research interests include dental chemistry, medical chemistry, and inorganic chemistry. He is editorial member in more than 140 international journals. He nominated as a member of the organizing committees for a number of international and local conferences.

    Research Interest: Dental chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry

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    Lucas Guimaraes Abreu
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Dentistry, Orthodontics and Pedodontics
    Federal University of Minas Gerais

    Research Interest: Epidemiology in Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, and Orthodontics.

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    Patricia Correa-Faria
    Assistant Professor
    Pediatric Dentistry
    Federal University of Minas Gerais

    Research Interest: Defects of enamel, dental caries, quality of life, dental trauma and epidemiology.

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    Thais Helena Gasparoto
    Assistant Professor
    Bauru School of Dentistry
    Brazilian Society for Immunology

    Research Interest: Immunosenescence, Innate immunology, neutrophils.

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    Maira do Prado
    Assistant Professor
    Dental School
    Federal University of Rio De Janeiro

    Research Interest: Dental materials, root canal filling materials, adhesion, chemical auxiliary substances, infection, endodontics procedures, instrumentation techniques, surface analysis and microscopy techiniques..

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    Marcelo de Castro Costa
    Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

    Research Interest: Odontology, Odontopaediatrics.

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    Andre W Machado
    Associate Professor
    School of Dentistry
    Federal University of Bahia
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    Shailja Chatterjee
    Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
    Pathology MM University

    Research Interest: ORAL PATHOLOGY

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    Sushi Kadanakuppe
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Public Health Dentistry
    Vokkaligara Sangha Dental College

    Research Interest: Life skills lies in facilitating the trainees in participatory activities to imbibe skills such as self-awareness, empathy, communication skills, interpersonal relationships, creative and critical thinking skills, problem solving and decision making skills and coping with stress and emotions. 

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    Roopali Muttagi
    Assistant Professor
    Dental Public Health

    Research Interest: Preventive dentistry, paediatric dentistry, dental public health.

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    Vineet RV
    Assistant Professor
    Dental Sciences
    Sree Mookambika Institute of Dental Sciences

    Research Interest: Endodontic microbiology, retreatment endodontics, laser endodontics, regenerative endodontics, dental composites

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    Shivakumar KM
    Associate Professor
    Department of Public Health Dentistry
    KIMS Deemed University

    Research Interest: Severity of Malocclusion and Orthodontic Treatment, Oral health status of Deaf & Mute children.

    More Info.
    Nidambur Vasudev Ballal
    Associate Professor
    Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
    Manipal University

    Research Interest:  Root canal irrigants, endodontic disinfection, smear layer and endodontic medicaments. 

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    Hakan Gokturk
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Endodontics
    Gaziosmanpasa University

    Research Interest: Shaping ability and cleaning effectiveness of file systems, instruments, devices, and nonsurgical endodontic retreatment. I am currently investigating endodontic microbiology, irrigation, and bleaching. My future research plans are endodontic microsurgery and laser.

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