Archives of Otolaryngology and Rhinology Submit Manuscript

    Executive Editor(s)

    Vittorio Calabrese
    Full Professor
    Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences
    University of Catania

    Prof. Vittorio Calabrese, Graduated in Medicine on 1984 at the University of Catania, after specialization in Neurology, on 1988 at University of Catania, since 1996 was Researcher at the Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Catania. By 2001 to date Prof. Calabrese is a Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at the School of Medicine and Surgery and actual Director of School of Specialization in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry, University of Catania, University of Messina and University of Palermo. He is member of the Editorial Board of several high peer reviewed journals including: Journal of Neuroscience Research;  Neurochem Research;  Antioxidant Redox Signaling; Journal Neurochemistry;  Free Radical Biology Medicine; Current Neurovascular Disorders. He has been reviewer of national projects (Italian MIUR), and many foreign projects for foreign institutions. He has been member of the ASN Commission (05/E1) of the Italian MIUR for the year 2013 and 2014. His research focuses on the role of free radicals and antioxidants in human disease, particularly Alzheimer's disease and other brain disorders. His interest in identifying the most important antioxidants in the human diet and in developing novel antioxidants has critical bearing on treating human diseases and understanding how diet might cause or prevent them. Areas of his research interests includes role of Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial dysfunction in Aging, Neurodegenerative disorders and Longevity; Proteomics and redox proteomics, Heat shock signal pathway Hormesis and Vitagenes in Neurodegeneration. The results of his researches have been reported in over 160 scientific papers published in outstanding international journals and widely cited (around 8500 total citations, around 5000 citations of the 10 most cited articles), for an HI value of 57 (ISI). He has deposited one patent (Nr. WO 2004/07883 A1 of  10.9.2004) for the use of curcumin and its derivatives in the treatment neurodegenerative disorders.

    Research Interest:

    Cellular Stress response, Vitagenes, Redoxomics, Lipidomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, Neurodegenerative disorders, Diabetes, Meniere Diseases, Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology.


    Grants: Human Proteomic Network 2014

    Skype ID: Vittorio.calabrese

    List of Publications:
    1.    Ragusa N., Sfogliano L., Calabrese V., and Rizza V. (1981). Effects of multivitamin treatment on the activity of rat liver triptophan pyrrolase during ethanol administration. Acta Vitaminologica et Enzimologica 3,(4), 199-204.
    2.    Calabrese V., Guerrera F., Avitabile M., Famà M., and Rizza V. (1984). Superoxide dismutase and reduced glutathione: possible defense operating in hyperoxic swimbladder of fish. In: Toxin, drugs and pollutans in marine animals. (eds. Bolis et al.) pp. 130-136. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
    3.    Calabrese V., Fariello R.G. (1988). Regional distribution of malonaldehyde in mouse brain. Biochemical Pharmacology, 37,11, 2287-2288.
    4.    Rizza V., Lorefice R., Rizza N., and Calabrese V. (1992). Pharmacokinetics of L-carnitine in human subjects. In:  L-carnitine and its role in medicine: from function to therapy, (eds. Ferrari R., Dimauro S., Sherwood G.) pp. 63-77. Academic Press, New York.
    5.    Calabrese V., Renis M., Calderone A., Russo A., Barcellona M.L., Rizza V. (1996) Stress proteins and SH-groups in oxidant-induced cell damage after acute ethanol administration in rat. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 20, 391-397.
    6.    Renis M., Calabrese V., Russo A., Calderone A., Barcellona M.L., Rizza V. (1996) Nuclear DNA strand breaks during ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rat brain. FEBS Letters 390, 153-156.
    7.    Calabrese V., Renis M., Calderone A., Russo A., Reale S., Barcellona M.L., Rizza V. (1998) Stress proteins and SH-groups in oxidant-induced cell injury after chronic ethanol administration in rat. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 24, 1159-1167.
    8.    Calabrese V., Rizza V. (1999) Formation of propionate after short-term ethanol treatment and its interaction with the carnitine pool in rat. Alcohol 19, 169-176.
    9.    Pennisi G., Rapisarda G., Bella R., Calabrese V., Maertens de Noordhout A., Delwaide P.J. (1999) Absence of response to early transcranial magnetic stimulation in ischemic stroke patients. Stroke 30, 2666-2670.
    10.    Calabrese V., Rizza V. (1999) Effects of l-carnitine on the formation of fatty acid ethyl esters in brain and peripheral organs after short-term ethanol administration in rat. Neurochem. Res. 24, 79-84. 
    11.    Calabrese V., Testa D., Ravagna A., Bates T.E.,  A.M. Giuffrida Stella. (2000) HSP70 induction in the brain following ethanol administration in the rat: regulation by glutathione redox state. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 269, 397-400.
    12.    Calabrese V., Copani A., Testa D., Ravagna A., Spadaro F., Tendi E., Nicoletti V., A.M. Giuffrida Stella. (2000) Nitric oxide synthase induction in astroglial cell cultures: Effect on heat shock protein 70 synthesis and oxidant / antioxidant balance. J. Neurosci. Res. 60, 613-622.
    13.    Motterlini R., Foresti R., Bassi R., Calabrese V., Clark J.E., Green C.J. (2000) Endothelial Heme oxygenase-1 induction by hypoxia: modulation by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and S-nitrosothiols. J. Biol. Chem. 275, 13613-13620.
    14.    Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Catalano C., Dinotta F., Geraci D., Morganti P. (2000) Biochemical studies of a natural antioxidant isolated from rosemary and its application in cosmetic dermatology. Int. J. Tissue Reactions 22, 5-13.
    15.    Calabrese V., Bates T.E., Giuffrida Stella A.M. (2000) NO synthase and NO-dependent signal pathways in brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders: the role of oxidant/antioxidant balance. Neurochem Res. 65, 1315-1341.
    16.    Calandra C., Musumeci G., Mangiameli A., Calabrese V. (2000) Perception of alcoholism problem among young people between 13 and 30 years old. Eur. J. of Alcohol Studies 12, 85-89.
    17.    Scapagnini G., Dinotta F, Calabrese V. (2000) Oxidative stress and Neurodegenerative Disorders: The role of Vitamion E in Nutritional Neuroscience. Int. J. Immunopathol.  Immunopharmacology  1, 97-107.
    18.    Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Catalano D., Dinotta F., Bates T.E., Calvani M, Giuffrida Stella A.M. (2001) Effects of acetyl-l-carnitine on the formation of fatty acid ethyl esters in brain and peripheral organs after short-term ethanol administration in rat. Neurochem. Res. 26, 167-174.
    19.    Calabrese, V., Scapagnini G., Catalano C., Bates T.E., Dinotta F., Micali G., A.M. Giuffrida Stella (2001) Induction of heat shock protein synthesis in human skin fibroblasts in response to oxidative stress: regulation by a natural antioxidant from rosemary extract. Int. J. Tissue Reactions 23, 51-58.
    20.    Calabrese, V., Scapagnini G., Giuffrida Stella A.M., Bates T.E., Clark J.B., (2001) Mitochondrial involvement in brain function and dysfunction: relevance to aging, neurodegenerative disorders and longevity. Neurochem. Res. 26, 739-764.
    21.    Calabrese, V., Scapagnini G., Catalano C., Bates T.E., Geraci D., Pennisi G., Giuffrida Stella A.M. (2001) Induction of heat shock protein synthesis in human skin fibroblasts in response to oxidative stress: regulation by Vitamin E. Int. J. Tissue Reactions 23, 127-135.
    22.    Anello M, Ucciardello V, Piro S, Patane G, Frittitta L, Calabrese V, Giuffrida Stella AM, Vigneri R, Purrello F, Rabuazzo AM. (2001) Chronic exposure to high leucine impairs glucose-induced insulin release by lowering the ATP-to-ADP ratio. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 281, E1082-1087.
    23.    Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Ravagna A., Giuffrida Stella A., Butterfield A. (2002) Molecular chaperones and their roles in neural cell ifferentiation. Dev. Neurosci. 24, 40-56. 
    24.    Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Ravagna A., Fariello R.G., Giuffrida Stella AM. and Abraham N. (2002) Regional distribution of heme oxygenase, hsp70, and glutathione in brain: relevance for endogenous oxidant / antioxidant balance and stress tolerance. J. Neurosci. Res. 68, 65-75.
    25.    Butterfield D.A., Castegna A., Drake J., Scapagnini G., Calabrese V. (2002) Vitamin E and neurodegenerative disorders associated with oxidative stress. Nutr. Neurosci. 4, 229-239.
    26.    Butterfield D., Castegna A., Pocernich C., Drake J., Scapagnini G., Calabrese V. (2002) Nutritional approaches to combat oxidative stress in Alzheimer's disease. J. Nutr. Biochem. 13, 444-461.
    27.    Scapagnini G., Foresti R., Calabrese V., Giuffirida Stella A.M., Green C.J., Motterlini R. (2002) Caffeic acid phenethyl ester and curcumin: a novel class of heme oxygenase-1 inducers. Mol Pharmacol 61, 554-561.
    28.    Scapagnini G., Giuffrida Stella A.M., Abraham N.G., Alkon D., Calabrese V. (2002) Differential expression of Heme oxygenase-1 in rat brain by endotoxin (LPS). In: Heme Oxygenase in Biology and Medicine (Abraham et al., eds.) pp. 121-134, Kluwer Academic Plenum Publisher, N.Y.
    29.    Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Ravagna A., Bella R., Foresti R., Bates T.E., Giuffrida Stella A.M., Pennisi G. (2002) Nitric oxide synthase is present in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with active multiple sclerosis and is associated with increases in CSF protein nitrotyrosine, S-nitrosothiols and with changes in glutathione levels. J. Neurosci. Res. 70, 580-587.
    30.    Scapagnini G., D'Agata V., Calabrese V., Pascale A., Colombrita C., Alkon D., Cavallaro S. (2002) Gene expression profiles of heme oxygenase isoforms in the rat brain. Brain Res. 954, 51-59.
    31.    Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Latteri S., Colombrita C., Ravagna A., Catalano C., Pennisi G., Calvani M., Butterfield D.A. (2002) Long-term ethanol administration enhances age-dependent modulation of redox state in different brain regions in the rat: protection by acetyl carnitine. Int. J. Tissue Reactions 24, 97-104.
    32.    Scapagnini G., Ravagna A., Bella R., Colombrita C., Pennisi G., Calvani M., Alkon D., Calabrese V. (2002) Long-term ethanol administration enhances age-dependent modulation of redox state in brain and peripheral organs of rat: protection by acetyl carnitine. Int. J. Tissue Reactions. 24, 89-96.
    33.    Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Latteri S., Butterfield D.A., Scapagnini U. Heme oxygenase, carbon monoxide and Cellular Stress Response in the Nervous System: The good and the enigmatic. (2002) Neurochemistry News 2, 57-60.
    34.    Colombrita C., Calabrese V., Stella A.M., Mattei F., Alkon D.L., Scapagnini G. (2003) Regional rat brain distribution of heme oxygenase-1 and manganese superoxide dismutase mRNA: relevance of redox homeostasis in the aging processes. Exp. Biol. Med. 228, 517-524. 
    35.    Catania M.V., Giuffrida R., Seminara G., Barbagallo G., Aronica E., Gorter J.A., Dell'Albani P., Ravagna A., Calabrese V., Giuffrida-Stella A.M. (2003) Upregulation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in in vitro stellate astrocytes and in vivo reactive astrocytes after electrically induced status epilepticus. Neurochem. Res 28, 607-615.
    36.    Calabrese, V., Scapagnini, G., Ravagna, A., Bella, R., Butterfield, D.A., Calvani, M., Pennisi, G., Giuffrida Stella, A.M.. (2003). Disruption of thiol homeostasis and nitrosative stress in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with active multiple sclerosis: evidence for a protective role of acetylcarnitine. Neurochem. Res. 28, 1321-1328.
    37.    Drake J., Sultana R., Aksenova M., Calabrese V., Butterfield DA. (2003). Elevation of mitochondrial glutathione by gamma-glutamylcysteine ethyl ester protects mitochondria against peroxynitrite-induced oxidative stress. J. Neurosci. Res. 74, 917-927.
    38.    Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Colombrita C., Ravagna A., Pennisi G., Giuffrida Stella A.M., Galli F., Butterfield DA. (2003). Redox regulation of heat shock protein expression in aging and neurodegenerative disorders associated with oxidative stress: A nutritional approach. Amino Acids 25, 437-444.
    39.    Calabrese V., Butterfield D.A., Giuffrida Stella A.M. (2003) Nutritional antioxidants and the heme oxygenase pathway of stress tolerance: novel targets for neuroprotection in Alzheimer's disease. Italian Journal of Biochemistry 52, 72-76.
    40.    Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Ravagna A., Colombrita C., Spadaro F., Butterfield D.A., Giuffrida Stella A.M. (2004). Increased expression of heat shock proteins in rat brain during aging: relationship with mitochondrial function and glutathione redox state. Mech. Age Dev. 125, 325-335.
    41.    Poon H.F., Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Butterfield D.A. (2004) Free radicals: key to brain aging and heme oxygenase as a cellular response to oxidative stress. J. Gerontology A 59, 478-493.
    42.    Poon H.F., Calabrese V., Scapagnini G., Butterfield D.A. (2004). Free radicals and brain aging. Clin. Geriatr. Med. 20, 329-359.
    43.    Pocernich C.B., Sultana R., Hone E., Turchan J., Martins R.N., Calabrese V., Nath A., Butterfield D.A. (2004). Effects of apolipoprotein E on the human immunodeficiency virus protein tat in neuronal cultures and synaptosomes. J. Neurosci. Res. 77, 532-539.
    44.    Poon H.F., Joshi G., Sultana R., Farr S.A., Banks W.A., Morley J.E., Calabrese V., Butterfield D.A. (2004). Antisense directed at the Abeta region of APP decreases brain oxidative markers in aged senescence accelerated mice. Brain Res. 1018, 86-96.
    45.    Calabrese V., Giuffrida Stella AM, Butterfield DA, Scapagnini G. (2004) Redox Regulation in Neurodegeneration and Longevity: Role of the Heme Oxygenase and HSP70 Systems in Brain Stress Tolerance. Antioxid Redox Signal. 6, 895-913.
    46.    Scapagnini G, Butterfield DA, Colombrita C, Sultana R, Pascale A, Calabrese V. (2004) Ethyl Ferulate, a Lipophilic Polyphenol, Induces HO-1 and Protects Rat Neurons Against Oxidative Stress. Antioxid Redox Signal. 6, 811-818.
    47.    Calabrese V., Boyd-Kimball D, Scapagnini G, Butterfield DA. (2004) Nitric oxide and cellular stress response in brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders: the role of vitagenes. In Vivo. 18, 245-268.
    48.    Calabrese V., Calvani M, Butterfield DA. (2004). Increased formation of short-chain organic acids after chronic ethanol administration and its interaction with the carnitine pool in rat. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 431, 271-278.
    49.    Calabrese V., Ravagna A., Colombrita C., Guagliano E., Scapagnini G., Calvani M., Butterfield D.A., Giuffrida Stella A.M. (2005) Acetylcarnitine induces heme oxygenase in rat astrocytes and protects against oxidative stress: involvement of the transcription factor Nrf2. J. Neuroscience Research 79, 509-521.
    50.    Sultana R., Ravagna A., Mohmmad-Abdul H., Calabrese V., Butterfield D.A. (2005) Ferulic acid ethyl ester protects neurons against amyloid beta- peptide(1-42)-induced oxidative stress and neurotoxicity: relationship to antioxidant activity. J. Neurochem. 92, 749-758. 
    51.    Pocernich C., Boyd-Kimball D., Poon F., Thongboonkerd V., Lynn B.C., Calabrese V.,  Nath A., Butterfield D.A. (2005) Proteomic analysis of human Astrocytes expressing the HIV protein TAT. Brain Res. (Mol Brain Res). 133, 307-316.
    52.    Poon H.F., Hensley K., Thingboonkerd V., Merchant M.L., Lynn B.C., Pierce W.M., Knlein J.B., Calabrese V., Butterfeild D.A. (2005) Redox proteomics analysis of oxidatively modified proteins in G93A-SOD1 transgenic mice--a model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Free Rad. Biol. Med. 39, 453-462.
    53.    Perluigi M., Poon H.F., Hensley K., Pierce W.M., Klein J.B., Calabrese V., De Marco C., Butterfield D.A. (2005) .Proteomic analysis of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal-modified proteins in G93A-SOD1 transgenic mice-A model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 38, 960-968.
    54.    Poon H.F., Frasier M., Shreve N., Calabrese V., Wolozin B., Butterfield D.A. (2005) Mitochondrial associated metabolic proteins are selectively oxidized in A30P alpha-synuclein transgenic mice--a model of familial Parkinson's disease. Neurobiol. Dis. 18, 492-498.
    55.    Calabrese V., Ravagna A., Scapagnini G., Catalano C., Pennisi G., Butterfield D.A., Giuffrida Stella A.M. (2005) Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular stress response in Friedreich Ataxia. J. Neurol Sci. 233, 145-162.
    56.    Calabrese V., Colombrita C., Guagliano E., Sapienza M., Ravagna A., Tomaselli G., Cardile V. Scapagnini G., Butterfield D.A., Giuffrida Stella A.M., and Rizzarelli E.. (2005) Protective effect of carnosine during nitrosative stress in astroglial cell cultures. Neurochem. Res. 30, 797-807. 
    57.    Perluigi M., Poon H.F., Maragos W., Pierce WM., JB Klein JB, Calabrese V., Cini C., De Marco C., Butterfield D.A., (2005). Proteomic Analysis of Protein Expression and Oxidative Modification in R6/2 Transgenic Mice--A Model of Huntington's Disease. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 4, 1849-1861.
    58.    Poon H.F., Shepherd H.M., Reed T., Calabrese V., Giuffrida-Stella A.M., Pennisi G., Cai J., Pierce W.M., ; Klein J.B., Butterfield D.A: (2006) Proteomics Analysis Provides Insight into Caloric Restriction-Mediated Reduced Oxidation and Altered Expression of Brain Proteins Associated with Age-related Impaired Cellular Processes: Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Glutamate Dysregulation and Impaired Protein Synthesis. Neurobiology of Aging 27, 1020-1034.
    59.    Calabrese V., Pennisi G., Calvani M., Giuffrida Stella A.M., Butterfield D.A., Mancuso C. (2006) Heme Oxygenase As Therapeutic Funnel in Nutritional Redox Homeostasis and Cellular Stress Response: Role of Acetylcarnitine. In: Heat Shock Protein in Neural Cells, Christiane Ritcher-Landsberg Eds.,
    60.    Calabrese V., Colombrita C., Scapagnini G., Calvani M., Giuffrida Stella AM., Butterfield D.A. (2006) Acetylcarnitine and cellular stress response: role in nutritional redox homeostasis and regulation of longevity genes. J. Nutr. Biochemistry 17,73-88.
    61.    Perluigi M., Joshi G, Sultana R., Calabrese V., De Marco C., Coccia R., Butterfield D.A. (2006) In vivo protection by the xanthate tricyclodecan-9-yl-xanthogenate against amyloid beta-peptide (1-42)-induced oxidative stress. Neuroscience 138, 1161-1170.
    62.    Joshi G., Perluigi M., Sultana R., Agrippino R., Calabrese V.,  Butterfield D.A. (2006) In vivo protection of synaptosomes by ferulic acid ethyl ester (FAEE) from oxidative stress mediated by 2,2-azobis(2-amidino-propane)dihydrochloride (AAPH) or  Fe(2+)/H(2)O(2): insight into mechanisms of neuroprotection and relevance to oxidative stress-related neurodegenerative disorders. Neurochem. Int. 48,:318-327.
    63.    Calabrese V., Butterfield D.A., Scapagnini G., Stella A.M., Maines M.D. (2006) Redox regulation of heat shock protein expression by signaling involving nitric oxide and carbon monoxide: relevance to brain aging, neurodegenerative disorders, and longevity. Antioxid Redox Signal. 8, 444-477. 
    64.    Lodi R., Tonon C., Calabrese V., Schapira A.H. (2006) Friedreich's Ataxia: From Disease Mechanisms to Therapeutic Interventions. Antioxid Redox Signal. 8, 438-443.
    65.    Calabrese V., Colombrita C., Sultana R., Scapagnini G., Calvani M., Butterfield D.A., Stella A.M. (2006) Redox modulation of heat shock protein expression by acetylcarnitine in aging brain: relationship to antioxidant status and mitochondrial function. Antioxid Redox Signal. 8, 404-416.
    66.    Scapagnini G., Colombrita C., Amadio M., D'Agata V., Arcelli E., Sapienza M., Quattrone A., Calabrese V. (2006) Curcumin activates defensive genes and protects neurons against oxidative stress. Antioxid Redox Signal. 8, 395-403.
    67.    Calabrese V., Maines M.D. (2006) Antiaging medicine: antioxidants and aging. Antioxid Redox Signal. 8, 362-364.
    68.    Poon H.F., Calabrese V., Calvani M., Butterfield D.A. (2006) Proteomics analyses of specific protein oxidation and protein expression in aged rat brain and its modulation by L-acetylcarnitine: insights into the mechanisms of action of this proposed therapeutic agent for CNS disorders associated with oxidative stress. Antioxid Redox Signal. 8, 381-394.
    69.    Abdul H.M., Calabrese V., Calvani M., Butterfield D.A. (2006) Acetyl-L-carnitine-induced up-regulation of heat shock proteins protects cortical neurons against amyloid-beta peptide 1-42-mediated oxidative stress and neurotoxicity: Implications for Alzheimer's disease. J. Neurosci. Res. 84, 398-408.
    70.    Perluigi M., Joshi G., Sultana R., Calabrese V., De Marco C., Coccia R., Cini C., Butterfield D.A. (2006) In vivo protective effects of ferulic acid ethyl ester against amyloid-beta peptide 1-42-induced oxidative stress. J. Neurosci. Res. 84, 418-426.
    71.    Mancuso C., Perluigi M., Cini C., De Marco C., Giuffrida Stella A.M., Calabrese V., (2006) Heme oxygenase and cyclooxygenase in the central nervous system: A functional interplay. J. Neurosci. Res. 84, 1385-1391.
    72.    Calabrese V., Sultana R., Scapagnini G., Guagliano E., Sapienza M., Bella R., Kanski J., Pennisi G., Mancuso C., Stella A.M., Butterfield D.A. (2006) Nitrosative stress, cellular stress response, and thiol homeostasis in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Antioxid. Redox. Signal. 8, 1975-1986.
    73.    Mancuso C., Pani G., Calabrese V. (2006) Bilirubin: an endogenous scavenger of nitric oxide and reactive nitrogen species. Redox Rep. 11, 207-213.
    74.    Mancuso C., Scapagnini G., Curro D., Giuffrida Stella A.M., De Marco C., Butterfield D.A., Calabrese V. (2007) Mitochondrial dysfunction, free radical generation and cellular stress response in neurodegenerative disorders. Front Biosci. 12, 1107-1123.
    75.    Calabrese V., Guagliano E., Sapienza M., Panebianco M., Calafato S., Puleo E., Pennisi G., Mancuso C., Butterfield A.D., Giuffrida Stella A.M. (2007) Redox regulation of cellular stress response in aging and neurodegenerative disorders: role of vitagenes. Neurochem Research 32, 757-773.
    76.    Calabrese V., Mancuso C., Ravagna A., Perluigi M., Cini C., De Marco C., Butterfield D.A., Giuffrida Stella A.M. (2007) In vivo induction of heat shock proteins in the substantia nigra following L-DOPA administration is associated with increased activity of mitochondrial complex I and nitrosative stress in rats: regulation by glutathione redox state. J. Neurochem. 101, 709-717.
    77.    Piroddi M., Depunzio I., Calabrese V., Mancuso C., Aisa C.M., Binaglia L., Minelli A., Butterfield A.D., Galli F. (2007) Oxidatively-modified and glycated proteins as candidate pro-inflammatory toxins in uremia and dialysis patients. Amino Acids 32, 573-592.
    78.     Calabrese V. (2007) Highlight Commentary on “Redox proteomics analysis of oxidatively 3 modified proteins in G93A–SOD1 transgenic mice—A model of 4 familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis”. Free Radical Biol. Med. 43, 160-162.
    79.    Calabrese V., Mancuso C., Calvani M., Rizzarelli E., Butterfield D.A., Giuffrida Stella A.M.. (2007) Nitric Oxide in the CNS: Neuroprotection versus Neurotoxicity. Nature Neuroscience 8, 766-775.
    80.    Calabrese V., Mancuso C., Sapienza M., Puleo E., Calafato S., Cornelius C., Finocchiaro M., Mangiameli A., Di Mauro M., Stella A.M., Castellino P. (2007) Oxidative stress and cellular stress response in diabetic nephropathy. Cell Stress Chaperones 12, 299-306.
    81.    Athanasiou A., Clarke A.B., Turner A.E, Kumaran N.M., Vakilpour S., Smith P.A., Bagiokou D., Bradshaw T.D, Westwell A.D, Fang L., Lobo D.N, Constantinescu C.S, Calabrese V., Loesch A. Alexander S.P, Clothier R.H, Kendall D.A, Bates T.E. (2007). Cannabinoid receptor agonists are mitochondrial inhibitors: a unified hypothesis of how cannabinoids modulate mitochondrial function and induce cell death. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 364, 131-137.
    82.    Mancuso C, Bates TE, Butterfield DA, Calafato S, Cornelius C, De Lorenzo A, Dinkova Kostova AT, Calabrese V. (2007) Natural antioxidants in Alzheimer's disease. Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 16, 1921-1931.
    83.    Calabrese V., Cornelius C., Mancuso C., Pennisi G., Calafato S., Bellia F., Bates T.E, Giuffrida Stella A.M., Schapira T., Dinkova Kostova A.T., Rizzarelli E. (2008) Cellular Stress Response: A Novel Target for Chemoprevention and Nutritional Neuroprotection in Aging, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Longevity. Neurochem. Res. 33, 2444-2471.
    84.    Mancuso C., Capone C., Ranieri S.C., Fusco S., Calabrese V., Eboli M.L., Preziosi P., Galeotti T., Pani G. (2008) Bilirubin as an endogenous modulator of neurotrophin redox signaling. J. Neurosci Res. 86, 1212-1230.
    85.    Calabrese V., Signorile A., Cornelius C., Mancuso C., Scapagnini G., Ventimiglia B., Ragusa N., Dinkova-Kostova A. (2008)  Practical approaches to investigate redox regulation of heat shock protein expression and intracellular glutathione redox state. Methods Enzymol. 441, 83-110.
    86.    Calabrese V., Bates T.E., Mancuso C., Cornelius C., Ventimiglia B., Cambria M.T., Di Renzo L., De Lorenzo A., Dinkova-Kostova A.T. (2008) Curcumin and the cellular stress response in free radical-related diseases. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 52, 1062-1073.
    87.    Calabrese V., Calafato S., Puleo E., Cornelius C., Sapienza M., Morganti P., Mancuso C. (2008) Redox regulation of cellular stress response by ferulic acid ethyl ester in human dermal fibroblasts: role of vitagenes. Clin. Dermatol. 26, 358-363.
    88.    Di Renzo L., Bertoli A., Bigioni M., Del Gobbo V., Premrov M.G., Calabrese V., Di Daniele N., De Lorenzo A. (2008) Body composition and -174G/C interleukin-6 promoter gene polymorphism: association with progression of insulin resistance in normal weight obese syndrome. Curr. Pharm. Des. 14, 2699-2706.
    89.    Calabrese V., Ientile R., Cornelius C., Scalia M., Cambria M.T., Ventimiglia B., Pennini G., Mancuso C., Butterfield D.A. (2008) Nutritional redox homeostasis and cellular stress response: Differential role of homocysteine and acetylcarnitine. In: Dietary modulation of cell sygnaling pathways. Surh Y.J., Dong Z., Cadenas E., Packer L. Eds. CRC Press, New York, N.Y. (USA)
    90.    Calabrese V., Calafato S., Cornelius C., Mancuso C., Dinkova-Kostova A. (2008) Heme oxygenase: A master vitagene involved in cellular stress response In: Enzymes and the Cellular Fight Against Oxidation. AM Eleuteri ed., Research Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India. ISBN: 978-81-308-0239-8.
    91.    Calabrese V., Mancuso C., Cornelius C., Calafato M., Ventimiglia B., Butterfield D.A., Dinkova-Kostova A.T., Rizzarelli E. (2008) Reactive nitrogen species and cellular stress tolerance in aging and neurodegeneration: Role of vitagenes. In: Free Radical Pathophysiology, Alvarez S. and Evelson P. eds., 37/661 (2), pp. 345-367. Transworld Research Network, Kerala, India. ISBN 978-81-7895-311-3.
    92.    Calabrese V., Butterfield D.A., Stella A.M. (2008) Aging and oxidative stress response in the CNS. In: Development and Aging Changes in the Nervous System. Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology, Lajtha Abel, Perez-Polo J. Regino, Rossner Steffen (Eds.), 3rd ed., pp. 128-234. ISBN: 978-0-387-32670-2.
    93.    Calabrese V., Cornelius C., Mancuso C., Ientile R., Giuffrida Stella A.M., Butterfield D.A. (2008) Redox Homeostasis and Cellular Stress Response in Aging and Neurodegeneration. In: Free Radical and Antioxidant Protocols (2nd Edition), Uppu, R.M.; Murthy, S.N.; Pryor, W.A.; Parinandi, N.L. (Eds.), Humana Press, LA, USA.
    94.    Calabrese V., Perluigi M., Cornelius C., Coccia R., Di Domenico F., Mancuso C., Pennisi G., Dinkova-Kostova A.T. (2009) Phenolics in aging and neurodegenerative disorders. In: Phenolic Compounds of Plant Origin and Health: The Biochemistry behind their Nutritional and Pharmacological Value", C.G. Fraga Ed., Wiley & Sons, NY. USA.
    95.    Calabrese V., Cornelius C., Dinkova-Kostova A.T., Calabrese E.J. (2009) Vitagenes, cellular stress response and acetylcarnitine: relevance to hormesis. Biofactors 35, 146-160.
    96.    Calabrese V., Cornelius C., Mancuso C., Barone E., Calafato S., Bates T., Rizzarelli E., Kostova A.T. (2009) Vitagenes, dietary antioxidants and neuroprotection in neurodegenerative diseases. Front Biosci. 14, 376-397.
    97.    Bellia F., Calabrese V., Guarino F., Cavallaro M., Cornelius C., De Pinto V., Rizzarelli E. (2009) Carnosinase Levels in Aging Brain: Redox State Induction and Cellular Stress Response. Antioxid Redox Signal. 11, 2759-2775.  
    98.    Calabrese V., Cornelius C., Rizzarelli E., Owen J.B., Dinkova-Kostova A.T., Butterfield D.A. (2009) Nitric oxide in cell survival: a Janus molecule. Antioxid. Redox. Signal. 11, 2717-2739.
    99.    Calabrese V., Cornelius C., Trovato A., Cambria M.T., Lo Cascio M.S., Di Rienzo L., Condorelli D., De Lorenzo A., Calabrese E.J. (2010) The hormetic role of dietary antioxidants in free radical-related diseases. Curr. Pharm. Des. 16: 8778-83.
    100.    Calabrese V, Cornelius C, Mancuso C, Lentile R, Stella AM, Butterfield DA. (2010) Redox homeostasis and cellular stress response in aging and neurodegeneration. Methods Mol. Biol. 610, 285-308.
    101.    De Lorenzo A, Noce A, Bigioni M, Calabrese V., Della Rocca DG, Di Daniele N, Tozzo C,   Di Renzo L. (2010) The effects of Italian Mediterranean organic diet (IMOD) on health status. Curr Pharm Des. 16: 814-824.
    102.    Calabrese V., Cornelius C., Dinkova-Kostova AT., Calabrese E.J., Mattson MP. (2010) Cellular stress responses, the hormesis paradigm and vitagenes: novel targets for therapeutic intervention in neurodegenerative disorders. Antioxid Redox Signal. 13, 1763-1811.
    103.    Di Domenico F, Perluigi M, Butterfield DA, Cornelius C, Calabrese V. (2010) Oxidative Damage in Rat Brain During Aging: Interplay Between Energy and Metabolic Key Target Proteins. Neurochem Res. 35, 2184-2192.
    104.    Perluigi M, Di Domenico F, Giorgi A, Schininà ME, Coccia R, Cini C, Bellia F, Cambria MT, Cornelius C, Butterfield DA, Calabrese V. (2010) Redox proteomics in aging rat brain: Involvement of mitochondrial reduced glutathione status and mitochondrial protein oxidation in the aging process. J Neurosci Res. 88, 3498-3507.
    105.    Calabrese V., Cornelius C., Giuffrida A.M., Calabrese E.J. (2010) Cellular stress responses, mitostress and carnitine insufficiencies  as critical determinants in aging and neurodegenerative disorders: role of hormesis and vitagenes. Neurochem Res. 35, 1880-1915.
    106.    Calabrese V., Cornelius C., Maiolino L., Luca M., Chiaramonte R., Toscano M.A., Serra A. (2010) Oxidative stress, redox homeostasis and cellular stress response in ménière's disease: role of vitagenes. Neurochem Res. 35, 2208-2217.
    107.    Calabrese EJ, Mattson MP, Calabrese V. (2010) Dose response biology: the case of resveratrol. Hum Exp Toxicol. 29, 1034-1037.
    108.    Calabrese EJ, Mattson MP, Calabrese V. (2010) Resveratrol commonly displays hormesis:occurrence and biomedical significance. Hum Exp Toxicol. 29980-1015.
    109.    Cambria MT, Ragusa S, Calabrese V, Cambria A. (2011) Enhanced Laccase Production in White-Rot Fungus Rigidoporus lignosus by the Addition of Selected Phenolic and Aromatic Compounds. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 163: 415-422.
    110.    Di Paola R., Impellizzeri D., Trovato Salinaro A., Mazzon E., Bellia F., Cavallaro M., Cornelius C., Vecchio G., Calabrese V., Rizzarelli E, Cuzzocrea S. Administration of carnosine in the treatment of acute spinal cord injury. (2011). Biochem Pharm  82, 1478-1489.
    111.    Pennisi G. , Cornelius C., Cavallaro M.M., Trovato Salinaro A., Cambria M.T., Pennisi M., Bella R., Milone P., Ventimiglia B., Migliore M.R., Di Renzo L., De Lorenzo A., Calabrese V. (2011). Redox regulation of cellular stress response in multiple sclerosis. Biochem Pharm  82, 1490-1499.
    112.    Scapagnini G, Caruso C, Calabrese V. Therapeutic Potential of Dietary Polyphenols against Brain Ageing and Neurodegenerative Disorders. (2011) Adv Exp Med Biol. 698: 27-35.
    113.    Calabrese V., Cornelius C., Cuzzocrea S., Iavicoli I., Rizzarelli E., Calabrese EJ. (2011) Hormesis, cellular stress response and vitagenes as critical determinants in aging and longevity.  Mol Aspects of Med. 32: 279-304. 
    114.    Bellia F., Vecchio G., Cuzzocrea S., Calabrese V., Rizzarelli E. (2011) Neuroprotection in oxidative driven diseases by carnosine. Mol Aspects of Med. 32: 258-266
    115.    Siciliano R, Barone E, Calabrese V, Rispoli V, Butterfield DA, Mancuso C. (2011) Experimental Research On Nitric Oxide And The Therapy Of Alzheimer Disease: A Challenging Bridge. CNS Neurol  Disord Drug Targets. 10: 766-776.
    116.    Zhang Y, Ahn YH, Benjamin IJ, Honda T, Hicks RJ, Calabrese V, Cole PA, Dinkova-Kostova AT. (2011) HSF1-dependent upregulation of Hsp70 by sulfhydryl-reactive inducers of the KEAP1/NRF2/ARE pathway. Chem Biol. 18:1355-1361. 
    117.    Calabrese V, Cornelius C, Dinkova-Kostova AT, Iavicoli I, Di Paola R, Koverech A, Cuzzocrea S, Rizzarelli E, Calabrese EJ. (2012) Cellular stress responses, hormetic phytochemicals and vitagenes in aging and longevity. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1822: 753-783. 
    118.    Di Renzo L, Bianchi A, Saraceno R, Calabrese V, Cornelius C, Iacopino L, Chimenti S, De Lorenzo A. (2012)  -174G/C IL-6 gene promoter polymorphism predicts therapeutic response to TNF-α blockers. Pharmacogenet Genomics  22: 134-142. 
    119.    Calabrese V, Cornelius C, Leso V, Trovato-Salinaro A, Ventimiglia B, Cavallaro M, Scuto M, Rizza S, Zanoli L, Neri S, Castellino P.  (2012) Oxidative stress, glutathione status, sirtuin and cellular stress response in type 2 diabetes. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1822: 729-736.
    120.    Calabrese EJ, Iavicoli I, Calabrese V. (2012)  Hormesis: why it is important to biogerontologists. Biogerontology.13: 215-235. 
    121.    Cornelius C, Perrotta R, Graziano A, Calabrese EJ, Calabrese V. (2013) Stress responses, vitagenes and hormesis as critical determinants in aging and longevity: Mitochondria as a "chi". Immun. Ageing. 10:15. doi:10.1186/1742-4933-10-15.
    122.    Cornelius C, Crupi R, Calabrese V, Graziano A, Milone P, Pennisi G, Radak Z, Calabrese EJ, Cuzzocrea S. (2013) Traumatic Brain Injury: Oxidative Stress and Neuroprotection. Antioxid Redox Signal. 19: 836-853. 
    123.    Calabrese EJ, Calabrese V. (2013) Low dose radiation therapy (LD-RT) is effective in the treatment of arthritis: animal model findings. Int J Radiat Biol. 89: 287-294. 
    124.    Calabrese EJ, Calabrese V. (2013)  Reduction of arthritic symptoms by low dose radiation therapy (LD-RT) is associated with an anti-inflammatory phenotype. Int J Radiat Biol. 89: 278-286. 
    125.    Calabrese EJ, Iavicoli I, Calabrese V. (2013)  Hormesis: its impact on medicine and health. Hum Exp Toxicol. 32: 120-152.
    126.    Zhang Y., Dayalan Naidu S., R.V. Kostov, A. Pheely, V. Calabrese and A.T. Dinkova-Kostova (2013) Sulfhydryl-Reactive Phytochemicals as Dual Activators of Transcription Factors NRF2 and HSF1. In: D. R. Gang (ed.), 50 Years of Phytochemistry Research, Recent Advances in Phytochemistry 43, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00581-2_6, © Springer International Publishing (Switzerland).
    127.    Mancuso C, Santangelo R, Calabrese V. (2013) The heme oxygenase/biliverdin reductase  system: a potential drug target in Alzheimer’s disease. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 27: 75-87.
    128.    Cornelius C, Trovato Salinaro A, Scuto M, Fronte V, Cambria MT, Pennisi M, Bella R, Milone P, Graziano A, Crupi R, Cuzzocrea S, Pennisi G, Calabrese V. (2013) Cellular stress response, sirtuins and UCP proteins in Alzheimer disease: role of vitagenes. Immun Ageing 10:41. doi: 10.1186/1742-4933-10-41.
    129.    Cornelius C, Graziano A, Calabrese EJ, Calabrese V. (2013) Hormesis and vitagenes in aging and longevity: mitochondrial control and hormonal regulation. Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig. 16:73-89.
    130.    Edrey YH, Oddo S, Cornelius C, Caccamo A, Calabrese V, Buffenstein R. (2014) Oxidative damage and amyloid-β metabolism in brain regions of the longest-lived rodents. J Neurosci Res. 92: 195-205.
    131.    Davinelli S, Calabrese V, Zella D, Scapagnini G. (2014) Epigenetic nutraceutical diets in Alzheimer's disease. J Nutr Health Aging. Dec;18(9):800-5. doi: 10.1007/s12603-014-0520-6. PubMed PMID: 25389957.
    132.    Scapagnini G, Davinelli S, Kaneko T, Koverech G, Koverech A, Calabrese EJ, Calabrese V. (2014) Dose response biology of resveratrol in obesity. J Cell Commun Signal. 8: 385-391.
    133.    Calabrese V, Scapagnini G, Davinelli S, Koverech G, Koverech A, De Pasquale C, Salinaro AT, Scuto M, Calabrese EJ, Genazzani AR. (2014) Sex hormonal regulation and hormesis in aging and longevity: role of vitagenes. J Cell Commun Signal. 8: 369-384.
    134.    Davinelli S, Scapagnini G, Denaro F, Calabrese V, Benedetti F, Krishnan S, Curreli S, Bryant J, Zella D. (2014) Altered expression pattern of Nrf2/HO-1 axis during accelerated-senescence in HIV-1 transgenic rat. Biogerontology. 15: 449-461.
    135.    Cornelius C, Koverech G, Crupi R, Di Paola R, Koverech A, Lodato F, Scuto M, Salinaro AT, Cuzzocrea S, Calabrese EJ, Calabrese V. (2014) Osteoporosis and Alzheimer pathology: Role of cellular stress response and hormetic redox signaling in aging and bone remodeling. Front Pharmacol. 5:120. doi:10.3389/fphar.2014.00120. eCollection 2014.
    136.    Trovato Salinaro A, Cornelius C, Koverech G, Koverech A, Scuto M, Lodato F, Fronte V, Muccilli V, Reibaldi M, Longo A, Uva MG, Calabrese V. (2014) Cellular stress response, redox status, and vitagenes in glaucoma: a systemic oxidant disorder linked to Alzheimer's disease. Front Pharmacol. 5:129. doi:10.3389/fphar.2014.00129. eCollection 2014.
    137.    Currò M, Trovato-Salinaro A, Gugliandolo A, Koverech G, Lodato F, Caccamo D, Calabrese V, Ientile R. (2015) Resveratrol protects against homocysteine-induced cell damage via cell stress response in neuroblastoma cells. J Neurosci Res. 93: 149-156.
    138.    Davinelli S, Scapagnini G, Denaro F, Calabrese V, Benedetti F, Krishnan S, Curreli S, Bryant J, Zella D. (2014) Altered expression pattern of Nrf2/HO-1 axis during accelerated-senescence in HIV-1 transgenic rat. Biogerontology. 15: 449-461.
    139.    Cornelius C, Koverech G, Crupi R, Di Paola R, Koverech A, Lodato F, Scuto M, Salinaro AT, Cuzzocrea S, Calabrese EJ, Calabrese V. (2014) Osteoporosis and Alzheimer pathology: Role of cellular stress response and hormetic redox signaling in aging and bone remodeling. Front Pharmacol. 5:120. doi:10.3389/fphar.2014.00120. eCollection 2014.
    140.    Trovato Salinaro A, Cornelius C, Koverech G, Koverech A, Scuto M, Lodato F, Fronte V, Muccilli V, Reibaldi M, Longo A, Uva MG, Calabrese V. (2014) Cellular stress response, redox status, and vitagenes in glaucoma: a systemic oxidant disorder linked to Alzheimer's disease. Front Pharmacol. 5:129. doi:10.3389/fphar.2014.00129. eCollection 2014.
    141.    Calabrese V, Dattilo S, Petralia A, Parenti R, Pennisi M, Koverech G, Calabrese V, Graziano A, Monte I, Maiolino L, Ferreri T, Calabrese EJ. (2015) Analytical approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of aging and aging-related disease: redox status and proteomics. Free Radic Res. 49: 511-524.
    142.    Amadio M, Scapagnini G, Davinelli S, Calabrese V, Govoni S, Pascale A. (2015) Involvement of ELAV RNA-binding proteins in the post-transcriptional regulation of HO-1. Front Cell Neurosci. 8:459. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2014.00459.
    143.    Dattilo S, Mancuso C, Koverech G, Di Mauro P, Ontario ML, Petralia CC, Petralia A, Maiolino L, Serra A, Calabrese EJ, Calabrese V. (2015) Heat shock proteins and hormesis in the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Immun  Ageing. 12:20. doi: 10.1186/s12979-015-0046-8. eCollection 2015. 
    144.    Calabrese EJ, Dhawan G, Kapoor R, Iavicoli I, Calabrese V. (2015) What is hormesis and its relevance to healthy aging and longevity? Biogerontology 16:693-707.
    145.    Catino S, Paciello F, Miceli F, Rolesi R, Troiani D, Calabrese V, Santangelo R, Mancuso C. (2016) Ferulic Acid Regulates the Nrf2/Heme Oxygenase-1 System and Counteracts Trimethyltin-Induced Neuronal Damage in the Human Neuroblastoma Cell Line SH-SY5Y. Front Pharmacol. 8;6:305. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2015.00305.
    146.    Calabrese V., Davinelli S., Luca M., Zella D., Calabrese E.J.,  and Scapagnini G. (2015) Inflammaging, Oxidative Stress and Carnosine: Role of Hormetic Vitagenes. In: Imidazole Dipeptides : Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects.  Food and Nutritional Components in Focus. January(8), pp. 238-256. EPUB eISBN: 978-1-78262-655-8. DOI:10.1039/9781782622611-00238.
    147.    Trovato A, Siracusa R, Di Paola R, Scuto M, Fronte V, Koverech G, Luca M, Serra A, Toscano MA, Petralia A, Cuzzocrea S, Calabrese V. (2016) Redox modulation of cellular stress response and lipoxin A4 expression by Coriolus versicolor in rat  brain: Relevance to Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Neurotoxicology. 53:350-358.
    148.    Calabrese EJ, Dhawan G, Kapoor R, Iavicoli I, Calabrese V.  (2016) HORMESIS: A Fundamental Concept with Widespread Biological and Biomedical Applications. Gerontology. 62:530-535.
    149.    Pennisi M, Crupi R, Di Paola R, Ontario ML, Bella R, Calabrese EJ, Crea R, Cuzzocrea S, Calabrese V. (2016) Inflammasomes, hormesis, and antioxidants in neuroinflammation: Role of NRLP3 in Alzheimer disease. J Neurosci Res. 2016 Nov 8. doi: 10.1002/jnr.23986.
    150.    Calabrese V, Giordano J, Signorile A, Laura Ontario M, Castorina S, De Pasquale C, Eckert G, Calabrese EJ. (2016)  Major pathogenic mechanisms in vascular dementia: Roles of cellular stress response and hormesis in neuroprotection. J Neurosci Res. 94:1588-1603.
    151.    Calabrese V, Giordano J, Ruggieri M, Berritta D, Trovato A, Ontario ML, Bianchini R, Calabrese EJ. (2016) Hormesis, cellular stress response, and redox homeostasis in autism spectrum disorders. J Neurosci Res. 2016 Dec;94(12):1488-1498. doi: 10.1002/jnr.23893.
    152.    Trovato A, Siracusa R, Di Paola R, Scuto M, Ontario ML, Bua O, Di Mauro P, Toscano MA, Petralia CC, Maiolino L, Serra A, Cuzzocrea S, Calabrese V. (2016) Redox modulation of cellular stress response and lipoxin A4 expression by Hericium Erinaceus in rat brain: relevance to Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Immun Ageing. 13:23. doi: 10.1186/s12979-016-0078-8. eCollection 2016.
    153.    Calabrese V., Crea R. (2016). Potential prevention and treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases: Olive polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol. Eur. J. Neurodegenerative Diseases 5: 81-108.
    154.    Barros A.B., Bell V., Ferrão J., Calabrese V., Fernandes T.H. (2016). Mushroom Biomass: Some Clinical Implications of β-Glucans and Enzymes. Current Res. Nutrition and Food Science 4:  37-47.
    155.    Paterniti I, Campolo M, Siracusa R, Cordaro M, Di Paola R, Calabrese V, Navarra M, Cuzzocrea S, Esposito E. (2017) Liver X receptors activation, through TO901317 binding, reduces neuroinflammation in Parkinson's disease. PLoS One. 12(4):e0174470.
    156.    Calabrese V, Giordano J, Crupi R, Di Paola R, Ruggieri M, Bianchini R, Ontario ML, Cuzzocrea S, Calabrese EJ. (2017) Hormesis, cellular stress response and neuroinflammation in schizophrenia: Early onset versus late onset state. J Neurosci Res. 95:1182-1193.
    157.    Calabrese E.J., Calabrese V., Giordano J. (2017) The role of hormesis in the functional performance and protection of neural systems. Brain Circulation 3: 1-13.
    158.    Wang D., Calabrese E.J., Lian B., Lin Z., Calabrese V. (2017) Hormesis as a mechanistic approach to understanding herbal treatments in traditional Chinese medicine. Pharmacol Ther. Nov 8. pii: S0163-7258(17)30263-2. doi:10.1016/j.pharmthera.2017.10.013.
    159.    Miquel S, Champ C, Day J, Aarts E, Bahr BA, Bakker M, Bánáti D, Calabrese V, Cederholm T, Cryan J, Dye L, Farrimond JA, Korosi A, Layé S, Maudsley S, Milenkovic D, Mohajeri MH, Sijben J, Solomon A, Spencer JPE, Thuret S, Vanden Berghe W, Vauzour D, Vellas B, Wesnes K, Willatts P, Wittenberg R, Geurts L. (20017) Poor cognitive ageing: Vulnerabilities, mechanisms and the impact of nutritional interventions. Ageing Res Rev. 42:40-55.
    160.    Calabrese V, Santoro A, Monti D, Crupi R, Di Paola R, Latteri S, Cuzzocrea S, Zappia M, Giordano J, Calabrese EJ, Franceschi C.  (2017) Aging and Parkinson's Disease:  Inflammaging, neuroinflammation and biological remodeling as key factors in pathogenesis. Free Radic Biol Med. 115: 80-91.
    161.    Peters V, Schmitt CP, Weigand T, Klingbeil K, Thiel C, van den Berg A, Calabrese V, Nawroth P, Fleming T, Forsberg E, Wagner AH, Hecker M, Vistoli G. (2017) Allosteric inhibition of carnosinase (CN1) by inducing a conformational shift. J  Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. 32(1):1102-1110.
    162.    Trovato Salinaro A, Pennisi M, Di Paola R, Scuto M, Crupi R, Cambria MT, Ontario ML, Tomasello M, Uva M, Maiolino L, Calabrese EJ, Cuzzocrea S, Calabrese V. (2018) Neuroinflammation and neurohormesis in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer-linked pathologies: modulation by nutritional mushrooms. Immun Ageing. 2018 Feb 14;15:8. doi: 10.1186/s12979-017-0108-1.
    163.    Calabrese EJ, Iavicoli I, Calabrese V, Cory-Slechta DA, Giordano J. (2018) Elemental mercury neurotoxicity and clinical recovery of function: A review of findings, and implications for occupational health. Environ Res. 9;163:134-148. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2018.01.021.

    More Info.
    Masatsugu Masuda
    Associate Professor
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Kyorin University School of Medicine


    Graduate from Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

    Resident in Dept of Otorhinolaryngology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

    Medical Staff in Otorhinolaryngology, Hiratsuka City Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan

    Medical Staff in Otorhinolaryngology, Keiyu Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan

    Medical Staff in Otorhinolaryngology, Kawasaki Municipal Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan

    Instructor in Otorhinolaryngology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

    Research staff in Basic Otology Research group (Professor Kaoru Ogawa), Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

    Medical staff in department of Otolaryngology of Saiseikai Kanagawa Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan

    Post-doctoral fellow in the Division of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of California, San Diego

    Instructor in the Department of Otolaryngology, Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

    Associate Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology, Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

    Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Otolaryngology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

    Professional website links:

    Grant Details:


    A grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) [15K10761] from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. “Changes of the auditory and equilibrium functions induced by optogenetic control of the stria vascularis function.”


    Grant-in Aid for Young Scientists (B) [23791930] from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. “Artificial synapse formation for the implantable artificial organ of Corti.”

    List of Publications:

    1    Masuda, M., Goto, F., Hasegawa, T., Matsumoto, J., Kasakura-Kimura, N., Miyama, Y., Saito, K. & Kito, S. Transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of vestibular decompensation. E-BENT, (in press).
    2    Watabe, T., Xu, M., Watanabe, M., Nabekura, J., Higuchi, T., Hori, K., Sato, M. P., Nin, F., Hibino, H., Ogawa, K., Masuda, M. & Tanaka, K. F. Time-controllable Nkcc1 knockdown replicates reversible hearing loss in postnatal mice. Sci Rep 7, 13605, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13997-7 (2017).
    3    Sato, M. P., Higuchi, T., Nin, F., Ogata, G., Sawamura, S., Yoshida, T., Ota, T., Hori, K., Komune, S., Uetsuka, S., Choi, S., Masuda, M., Watabe, T., Kanzaki, S., Ogawa, K., Inohara, H., Sakamoto, S., Takebayashi, H., Doi, K., Tanaka, K. F. & Hibino, H. Hearing Loss Controlled by Optogenetic Stimulation of Nonexcitable Nonglial Cells in the Cochlea of the Inner Ear. Front Mol Neurosci 10, 300, doi:10.3389/fnmol.2017.00300 (2017).
    4    Oishi, N., Yamada, H., Kanzaki, S., Kurita, A., Takiguchi, Y., Yuge, I., Asama, Y., Masuda, M. & Ogawa, K. Assessment of hyperacusis with a newly produced Japanese version of the Khalfa hyperacusis questionnaire. Acta Otolaryngol 137, 957-961, doi:10.1080/00016489.2017.1306654 (2017).
    5    Masuda, M., Li, Y., Pak, K., Chavez, E., Mullen, L. & Ryan, A. F. The Promoter and Multiple Enhancers of the pou4f3 Gene Regulate Expression in Inner Ear Hair Cells. Mol Neurobiol 54, 5414-5426, doi:10.1007/s12035-016-0060-7 (2017).
    6    Kasakura-Kimura, N., Masuda, M., Mutai, H., Masuda, S., Morimoto, N., Ogahara, N., Misawa, H., Sakamoto, H., Saito, K. & Matsunaga, T. WFS1 and GJB2 mutations in patients with bilateral low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss. Laryngoscope 127, E324-E329, doi:10.1002/lary.26528 (2017).
    7    Masuda, M., Mutai, H., Arimoto, Y., Nakano, A. & Matsunaga, T. A novel frameshift variant of COCH supports the hypothesis that haploinsufficiency is not a cause of autosomal dominant nonsyndromic deafness 9. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 469, 270-274, doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.11.106 (2016).
    8        Masuda, M., Matsumoto, J., Nakamura, T., Matsuda, T., Naoyuki, K. & Saito, K. The impact of postoperative antrum pneumatization on hearing outcome after canal wall-down tympanoplasty with softwall reconstruction for cholesteatoma. Abstract for the 10th International Conference on Cholesteatoma,Edinburgh UK. J Laryngol Otol 130, S201-S202, (2016).
    9    Ryan, A. F., Ikeda, R. & Masuda, M. The regulation of gene expression in hair cells. Hear Res 329, 33-40, doi:10.1016/j.heares.2014.12.013 (2015).
    10    Masuda, M. & Kanzaki, J. Cause of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: The stress response theory. World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 3, 42-57, doi:10.5319/wjo.v3.i3.42 (2013).
    11    Masuda, M., Pak, K., Chavez, E. & Ryan, A. F. TFE2 and GATA3 enhance induction of POU4F3 and myosin VIIa positive cells in nonsensory cochlear epithelium by ATOH1. Dev Biol 372, 68-80, doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2012.09.002 (2012).
    12    Masuda, M., Kanzaki, S., Minami, S., Kikuchi, J., Kanzaki, J., Sato, H. & Ogawa, K. Correlations of inflammatory biomarkers with the onset and prognosis of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Otol Neurotol 33, 1142-1150, doi:10.1097/MAO.0b013e3182635417 (2012).
    13    Masuda, M., Dulon, D., Pak, K., Mullen, L. M., Li, Y., Erkman, L. & Ryan, A. F. Regulation of POU4F3 gene expression in hair cells by 5' DNA in mice. Neuroscience 197, 48-64, doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2011.09.033 (2011).
    14    Wakabayashi, K., Fujioka, M., Kanzaki, S., Okano, H. J., Shibata, S., Yamashita, D., Masuda, M., Mihara, M., Ohsugi, Y., Ogawa, K. & Okano, H. Blockade of interleukin-6 signaling suppressed cochlear inflammatory response and improved hearing impairment in noise-damaged mice cochlea. Neurosci Res 66, 345-352, doi:10.1016/j.neures.2009.12.008 (2010).
    15    Taura, A., Taura, K., Choung, Y. H., Masuda, M., Pak, K., Chavez, E. & Ryan, A. F. Histone deacetylase inhibition enhances adenoviral vector transduction in inner ear tissue. Neuroscience 166, 1185-1193, doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2009.12.064 (2010).
    16    Choung, Y. H., Taura, A., Pak, K., Choi, S. J., Masuda, M. & Ryan, A. F. Generation of highly-reactive oxygen species is closely related to hair cell damage in rat organ of Corti treated with gentamicin. Neuroscience 161, 214-226, doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2009.02.085 (2009).
    17    Masuda, M., Tanaka, K. F., Kanzaki, S., Wakabayashi, K., Oishi, N., Suzuki, T., Ikenaka, K. & Ogawa, K. GFAP aggregates in the cochlear nerve increase the noise vulnerability of sensory cells in the organ of Corti in the murine model of Alexander disease. Neurosci Res 62, 15-24, doi:10.1016/j.neures.2008.05.005 (2008).
    18    Masuda, M., Inoue, Y., Tanosaki, R., Kanzaki, S. & Ogawa, K. Development of solitary plasmacytoma in the internal auditory canal and inner ear after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for plasma cell leukemia. Jpn J Clin Oncol 37, 701-703, doi:10.1093/jjco/hym079 (2007).
    19    Masuda, M., Nagashima, R., Kanzaki, S., Fujioka, M., Ogita, K. & Ogawa, K. Nuclear factor-kappa B nuclear translocation in the cochlea of mice following acoustic overstimulation. Brain Res 1068, 237-247, doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2005.11.020 (2006).
    20    Fujioka, M., Kanzaki, S., Okano, H. J., Masuda, M., Ogawa, K. & Okano, H. Proinflammatory cytokines expression in noise-induced damaged cochlea. J Neurosci Res 83, 575-583, doi:10.1002/jnr.20764 (2006).

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Transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of vestibular decompensation. E-BENT, (in press).2    Watabe, T., Xu, M., Watanabe, M., Nabekura, J., Higuchi, T., Hori, K., Sato, M. P., Nin, F., Hibino, H., Ogawa, K., Masuda, M. & Tanaka, K. F. Time-controllable Nkcc1 knockdown replicates reversible hearing loss in postnatal mice. Sci Rep 7, 13605, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13997-7 (2017).3    Sato, M. P., Higuchi, T., Nin, F., Ogata, G., Sawamura, S., Yoshida, T., Ota, T., Hori, K., Komune, S., Uetsuka, S., Choi, S., Masuda, M., Watabe, T., Kanzaki, S., Ogawa, K., Inohara, H., Sakamoto, S., Takebayashi, H., Doi, K., Tanaka, K. F. & Hibino, H. Hearing Loss Controlled by Optogenetic Stimulation of Nonexcitable Nonglial Cells in the Cochlea of the Inner Ear. Front Mol Neurosci 10, 300, doi:10.3389/fnmol.2017.00300 (2017).4    Oishi, N., Yamada, H., Kanzaki, S., Kurita, A., Takiguchi, Y., Yuge, I., Asama, Y., Masuda, M. & Ogawa, K. Assessment of hyperacusis with a newly produced Japanese version of the Khalfa hyperacusis questionnaire. Acta Otolaryngol 137, 957-961, doi:10.1080/00016489.2017.1306654 (2017).5    Masuda, M., Li, Y., Pak, K., Chavez, E., Mullen, L. & Ryan, A. F. The Promoter and Multiple Enhancers of the pou4f3 Gene Regulate Expression in Inner Ear Hair Cells. Mol Neurobiol 54, 5414-5426, doi:10.1007/s12035-016-0060-7 (2017).6    Kasakura-Kimura, N., Masuda, M., Mutai, H., Masuda, S., Morimoto, N., Ogahara, N., Misawa, H., Sakamoto, H., Saito, K. & Matsunaga, T. WFS1 and GJB2 mutations in patients with bilateral low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss. Laryngoscope 127, E324-E329, doi:10.1002/lary.26528 (2017).7    Masuda, M., Mutai, H., Arimoto, Y., Nakano, A. & Matsunaga, T. A novel frameshift variant of COCH supports the hypothesis that haploinsufficiency is not a cause of autosomal dominant nonsyndromic deafness 9. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 469, 270-274, doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.11.106 (2016).8        Masuda, M., Matsumoto, J., Nakamura, T., Matsuda, T., Naoyuki, K. & Saito, K. The impact of postoperative antrum pneumatization on hearing outcome after canal wall-down tympanoplasty with softwall reconstruction for cholesteatoma. Abstract for the 10th International Conference on Cholesteatoma,Edinburgh UK. J Laryngol Otol 130, S201-S202, (2016).9    Ryan, A. F., Ikeda, R. & Masuda, M. The regulation of gene expression in hair cells. Hear Res 329, 33-40, doi:10.1016/j.heares.2014.12.013 (2015).10    Masuda, M. & Kanzaki, J. Cause of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: The stress response theory. World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 3, 42-57, doi:10.5319/wjo.v3.i3.42 (2013).11    Masuda, M., Pak, K., Chavez, E. & Ryan, A. F. TFE2 and GATA3 enhance induction of POU4F3 and myosin VIIa positive cells in nonsensory cochlear epithelium by ATOH1. Dev Biol 372, 68-80, doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2012.09.002 (2012).12    Masuda, M., Kanzaki, S., Minami, S., Kikuchi, J., Kanzaki, J., Sato, H. & Ogawa, K. Correlations of inflammatory biomarkers with the onset and prognosis of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Otol Neurotol 33, 1142-1150, doi:10.1097/MAO.0b013e3182635417 (2012).13    Masuda, M., Dulon, D., Pak, K., Mullen, L. M., Li, Y., Erkman, L. & Ryan, A. F. Regulation of POU4F3 gene expression in hair cells by 5' DNA in mice. Neuroscience 197, 48-64, doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2011.09.033 (2011).14    Wakabayashi, K., Fujioka, M., Kanzaki, S., Okano, H. J., Shibata, S., Yamashita, D., Masuda, M., Mihara, M., Ohsugi, Y., Ogawa, K. & Okano, H. Blockade of interleukin-6 signaling suppressed cochlear inflammatory response and improved hearing impairment in noise-damaged mice cochlea. Neurosci Res 66, 345-352, doi:10.1016/j.neures.2009.12.008 (2010).15    Taura, A., Taura, K., Choung, Y. H., Masuda, M., Pak, K., Chavez, E. & Ryan, A. F. Histone deacetylase inhibition enhances adenoviral vector transduction in inner ear tissue. Neuroscience 166, 1185-1193, doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2009.12.064 (2010).16    Choung, Y. H., Taura, A., Pak, K., Choi, S. J., Masuda, M. & Ryan, A. F. Generation of highly-reactive oxygen species is closely related to hair cell damage in rat organ of Corti treated with gentamicin. Neuroscience 161, 214-226, doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2009.02.085 (2009).17    Masuda, M., Tanaka, K. F., Kanzaki, S., Wakabayashi, K., Oishi, N., Suzuki, T., Ikenaka, K. & Ogawa, K. GFAP aggregates in the cochlear nerve increase the noise vulnerability of sensory cells in the organ of Corti in the murine model of Alexander disease. Neurosci Res 62, 15-24, doi:10.1016/j.neures.2008.05.005 (2008).18    Masuda, M., Inoue, Y., Tanosaki, R., Kanzaki, S. & Ogawa, K. Development of solitary plasmacytoma in the internal auditory canal and inner ear after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for plasma cell leukemia. Jpn J Clin Oncol 37, 701-703, doi:10.1093/jjco/hym079 (2007).19    Masuda, M., Nagashima, R., Kanzaki, S., Fujioka, M., Ogita, K. & Ogawa, K. Nuclear factor-kappa B nuclear translocation in the cochlea of mice following acoustic overstimulation. Brain Res 1068, 237-247, doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2005.11.020 (2006).20    Fujioka, M., Kanzaki, S., Okano, H. J., Masuda, M., Ogawa, K. & Okano, H. P
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    Editorial Board

    Anna Karolina Starzyńska
    Department of Oral Surgery
    Medical University of Gdańsk

    In 1993 I was employed as an assistant in the Public Health and Social Medicine Department of Medical University of Gdańsk.

    Then I undertook research concerning Polish society health status, health promotion, health care service activity and the health policy. These areas of interest were connected with the profile of my place of work.

    In years 1995-2017 I worked as a research-and-teaching assistant, later as a senior lecturer and an assistant professor consequently, in the Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery of Medical University of Gdańsk. At the time, I commenced my research on head and neck neoplasms, as well as trauma and inflammation processes of head and neck region. Since 12th of April 2017 I had been acting Head of Oral Surgery Department of Medical University of Gdańsk and since 1st of June 2018 I have been Head of Oral Surgery Department of Medical University of Gdańsk. On 1st of January 2018 I was hired as an associate professor in Medical University of Gdańsk. On the 28th of November 2019 I was hired as a professor at the Medical University of Gdańsk.

    Research Interest: Oncology, laryngology, oral surgery

    Grants: 6

    Number of publications: 175

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    Marco Guzzo
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori Milan

    Research Interest: Head & neck oncology.

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    Karam Badran
    Department of Head and Neck Surgery
    David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

    Research Interest: UCLA, Head and Neck Surgery.

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    James Paul Dworkin-Valenti
    Michigan State University

    Dr. Dworkin-Valenti received his Ph.D. from the University of Buffalo with special focus on speech and voice physiology. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Mayo Clinic, concentrating his research on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the Department of Neurology. He is currently Director of Clinical Research at the Detroit Medical Center, in cooperation with the Department of Otolaryngology ENT Residency Program. Throughout his career, Dr. Dworkin-Valenti has cumulatively published more than 125 scientific journal articles, textbooks, and book chapters on various subjects, including vocal pathologies, otolaryngic allergy, and motor speech and developmental communication disorders.


    1.    Dworkin, J.P. Protrusive lingual force and lingual diadochokinetic rates: A comparative analysis between normal and lisping speakers. Journal of Language, Speech & Hearing in Schools, 9:8-16, 1978.

    2.   Dworkin, J.P. A therapeutic technique for the improvement of lingua-alveolar valving abilities. Journal of Language, Speech & Hearing in Schools, 9:162-175, 1978.    

    3.    Dworkin, J.P. A review of motor speech disorders (Part I). Journal of National Student Speech & Hearing Assoc., December, 12-36, 1978. 

    4.    Dworkin, J.P. Differential diagnosis of motor speech disorders: The clinical examination of the speech mechanism (Part II). Journal of National Student Speech & Hearing Assoc., December,37-62, 1978.

    5.    Dworkin, J.P. The influence of lingual muscular strength on articulatory proficiency. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences, 4:413-420, 1979.

    6.   Dworkin, J.P. & Hartman, D.E. Progressive speech deterioration and dysphagia in ALS.                     Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 60: 423-425, 1979.

    7.   Abkarian, G.G., Dworkin, J.P., & Brown, S. Signed English as a transition step in the treatment         of a child with Reye’s syndrome. Human Communication, Spring, 375-380, 1980.

    8.   Dworkin, J.P. Characteristics of frontal lispers clustered according to severity. Journal of Speech       & Hearing Disorders, 45:37-44, 1980.

    9.   Dworkin, J.P., Aronson, A.E. & Mulder, D.W. Tongue force in normals and dysarthric patients          with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Speech & Hearing Research, 23:828-837, 1980.

    10.  Dworkin, J.P., Hartman D.E. & Keith, R.L. Tongue strength following total laryngectomy (Part         I). Laryngoscope, 90:680-684, 1980.

    11.  Dworkin, J.P., & Hartman, D.E. Tongue strength in artificial alaryngeal speech (Part II).

           Laryngoscope, 90:867-870, 1980.

    12.  Dworkin, J.P. & Culatta, R.A. Tongue strength: Its relationship to tongue thrusting, open bite            and articulatory proficiency. Journal of Speech & Hearing Disorders, 45:277-282, 1980.

    13.  Dworkin, J.P. & Johns, D.F. Management of Velopharyngeal incompetence in dysarthria: A               historical review. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences, 5:61-74, 1980.

    14.  Dworkin, J.P. & Sparker, A. Surgical vocal rehabilitation following total laryngectomy: a state          of the art report. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences, 5: 339-351, 1980.

    15.   Dworkin, J.P. Tongue strength measurement in patients with ALS: Qualitative vs. quantitative           procedures. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 61: 422-424, 1980.

    16.   Monahan, D. & Dworkin, J.P. A brief review of vocal nodules. Kentucky Journal of Speech-             Language Pathology & Audiology, 4: 20-24, 1980.

    17.   Dworkin, J.P. Book review. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences, 1981.

    18.   Dworkin, J.P. Book review. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences, 1982.

    19.   Hartman, D.E. & Dworkin J.P. Ratings of manual activity for two forms of alaryngeal speech.           Australian Journal of Human Communication, 10:31-36, 1982.

    20.   Dworkin, J.P. Glossectomy: a case report. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 63:        182-183, 1982.

    21.   Dworkin, J.P. & Banton, A. Esophageal vs. artificial instrument speech rehabilitation methods           for the laryngectomee. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences, 7: 269-277, 1982.

    23.   Dworkin, J.P. Book review. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences, 1983.

    24.   Dworkin, J.P. Book review. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences, 1984.

    25.   Dworkin, J.P. Dysphagia. Journal of Childhood Communication Disorders, 7: 48-54, 1985.

    26.   Dworkin, J.P. & Culatta, R.A. Oral structural and neuromuscular characteristics in children with         normal and disordered articulation. Journal of Speech & Hearing Disorders, 50:150-156, 1985.

    27.   Dworkin, J.P. & Aronson, A.E. Tongue Strength and Alternate Motion Rates in Normal and              Dysarthric Subjects. Journal of Communication Disorders, 1986

    28.   Dworkin, J.P., Abkarian G.G. & Johns, D.F. Apraxia of Speech: A Therapeutic Regimen.                  Journal of Speech & Hearing Disorders, 53:280-294, 1988.

    29.   Dworkin, J.P. & Culatta, R.A. Some comments about oropharyngeal motor development in                children. Journal of Speech & Hearing Disorders, 53: 483-485, 1988.

    30.   Dworkin, J.P. & Petrucci-Coley, T. Closed head injury:A look from the speech physiology lab.          Texas Journal of Audiology & Speech Pathology, 14: 8-13, 1988.

    31.   Dworkin, J.P. & Nadal, J.C. Nonsurgical treatment of drooling in a patient with closed head               injury and severe dysarthria. Dysphagia, 6:40-49, 1991.

    32.   Hartman, D. & Dworkin, J.P. Motor speech disorders. Gundersen Clinic Journal of Medicine,            May, 1993.

    33.    Abkarian, G.G. & Dworkin, J.P. Treatment of Severe Motor Speech Disorders. Give speech a            chance. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 1:285-287, 1993.       

    34.    Purser, S., Meleca, R., Dworkin, J.P. & Stachler, R. The action of the cricoarytenoid joint: A             reappraisal. Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, 113, 169-170, 1995.

    35.   Dworkin, J.P. & Arden R.L.  Phonosurgical Management of Laryngeal Lupus. Journal of                   Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 3, 201-215, 1995.

    36.   Dworkin, J.P. Bite Block Therapy for oromandibular Dystonia.  Journal of Medical Speech-               Language Pathology,  4:47-56, 1996.

    37.   Dworkin, J.P. & Abkarian, G. Treatment of phonation in a patient with dysarthria secondary to          severe closed head injury. Journal of Medical Speech -Language Pathology, 4:105-116, 1996.

    38.   Dworkin, J.P. & Aref, A. Voice laboratory measures following RT for T1N0 glottic CA.                    Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 5:61-73, 1997.

    39.   Aref, A., Dworkin, J., Devi, S. Denton, L., & Fontanesi, J. Objective evaluation of the quality of         voice following RT for T1 glottic CA. Radiotherapy & Oncology, 45:149-153, 1997.

    40.   Danish, M. Dworkin, J.P., & Meleca, R. Airway obstruction, saccular cysts: A review of the             disease entity and treatment approach emphasizing complete endoscopic CO2 laser excision.             Archives of Otolaryngology, 124: 593-596, 1998.

    41.   Dworkin, J., Meleca, R., Simpson, M., Zormeier, M., Garfield, I., Jacobs,J., & Mathog, R. Pharyngoesophageal segment vibratory characteristics in total laryngectomeeds who use the tracheoesophageal method of speech production.Laryngoscope, 108, 12: 1773-81, 1998.

    42.   Arden, R., Dworkin, J., & Garfield, I. Marlex mesh suspension of the floor of mouth in the glossectomee.  Operative techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 9, 3:119- 122, 1998.

    43.  Dworkin, J., Meleca, R., Simpson, M., Zormeier, M., Garfield, I., Jacobs, Mathog, R. Vibratory         characteristics of the PE segment in total laryngectomees. Journal of Medical Speech-Language         Pathology, 7: 1-18, 1999.

    44.  Dworkin, J., Meleca, R., Abkarian, G. et al.  Phonation subsystem of laryngectomees following RT for T1 glottic carcinoma:  A prospective voice  laboratory investigation. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 7: 181-194, 1999.

    45.  Zormeier, M., Meleca, R., Dworkin, J., & Simpson, M., Botox injection to improve TE speech after total laryngectomy. Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, 120: 314-319, 1999.

    46.    Dworkin, J.P. & Meleca, R. Behavioral therapy for organic voice tremor. Phonoscope, 2: 113-          122, 1999.

    47.   Dworkin, J.P., Rachel, J., & Meleca, R. Evaluation of postsurgical vocal fold paralysis.                      Phonoscope, 2: 193-202, 1999.

    48.   Dworkin, J.P. & Meleca, R. Muscle tension dysphonia. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology, 8:          169-173, 2000.

    49.   Dworkin, J.P., Meleca, R., & Garfield, I., Use of topical Lidocaine in the treatment of muscle            tension dysphonia. Journal of Voice, 14: 567-575, 2000.

    50.   Ahsan, S., Dworkin, J.P. & Meleca, R. Botox of the cricopharyngeal muscle for treatment of             dysphagia. Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, 112: 691-695, 2000.

    51.   Meleca, R., Dworkin, J., Zormeier, M., Simpson, M, et al. Videosroboscopy of the P-E Segment         in laryngectomees treated with Botox. Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, 123: 38-43, 2000.

    52.   Zacharek, M., Pasha, R., Meleca, R., Dworkin, J., et al. Functional outcomes after supracricoid          laryngectomy. Laryngoscope, 111: 1558-1564, 2001.

    53.   Dworkin, J.P., Meleca, R., & Culatta, R. Laryngeal manifestations of speech dysfluency:                    Topical anesthesia treatment approach. Laryngoscope, 112: 936-937, 2002.

    54.   Dworkin, J.P., Meleca, R., Oh, C., & Simpson, M. Use of esophageal videoendoscopy for the            differential diagnosis and treatment of poor TE speech. Journal of Medical Speech Language             Pathology, 10: 133-142, 2002.

    55.   Dworkin, J.P., Culatta, R., Abkarian, G., & Meleca, R. Laryngeal anesthetization for the                     treatment of acquired disfluency: A case study. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 27: 215-226,                 2002.

    56.   Leonard, R., Dworkin, J.P., Meleca, R., Colton, R., et al. Assessment of the disordered voice.            Journal of Medical Speech language Pathology, 10: 111-131, 2002.

    57.   Oh, C., Meleca, R., Simpson, M. & Dworkin, J. Fiberoptic examinatin of the P-E segment in             tracheoesophageal speakers. Archives of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, 128: 692-697,         2002.

    58.   Meleca, R., Dworkin, J., Kewson, D., Stachler, R, & Hill, S. Functional outcomes following             non-surgical treatment for advanced stage laryngeal carcinoma. Laryngoscope , 113, 720-728,            2003.

    59.   Dworkin, J.P., Meleca, R. & Stachler, R. More on the role of the mandible in speech                          production: Clinical correlates of Green, Moore and Reilly’s findings. Journal of Speech,                   Language & Hearing Research , 46, 1016-1020 (2003).

    60.   Abkarian, G., Dworkin, J.P. & Abkarian, A. Fathers’ speech to their children: Perfect pitch or             tin ear? Fathering, 1: 27-50, 2003.

    61.   Reidy, P., Dworkin, J.P., & Krouse, J. Laryngeal effects of antigen stimulation challenge with            perennial allergen D. Pteronyssinus. Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 128, 455-462                  (2003).

    62.   Dworkin, J.P., Meleca, R., Zacharek, M., Stachler, R., Pasha, R. et al. Voice and deglutition               functioning following the supracricoid laryngectomy and total laryngectomy procedures for                advanced stage laryngeal carcinoma. Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, 129, 311-320                 (2003).

    63.   Karpenko, A., Dworkin, J.P., Meleca, R. & Stachler, R. Cymetra injection for unilateral vocal            fold paralysis. Annals Otology Rhinology Laryngology, 112, 927-934 (2003).

    64.   Dworkin, J.P., Abkarian, G., Stachler, R., Culatta, R. & Meleca, R. Is voice amplification for             teachers with dysphonia really beneficial?  Journal Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 47,         353-357 (2004).

    65.   Dworkin, J.P., Marunick, M.T., & Krouse, J.H. Velopharyngeal dysfunction: speech                           characteristics, variable etiologies, evaluation techniques, and differential treatments. Language,         Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 35, 333-353 (2004).

    66.   Dworkin, J.P., Marunick, M.T., & Stachler, R.  Neurogenic velopharyngeal incompetence:                 Multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Applied Research in Clinical Dentistry, 1,         35-46 (2004).

    67.   Dworkin, J.P., Stachler, R.J., Kewson, D., Meleca, R.J., & Garfield, I. Videostroboscopy,                   mirror, and fiberoptic laryngoscopy: Objective comparisons. Journal of Medical Speech-                    Language Pathology, 12, 99-106 (2004).

    68.   Dworkin, J. Apraxia of speech. The Gale Encyclopedia of Neurological Disorders, 2004.

    69.   Dworkin, J. The dysarthrias. The Gale Encyclopedia of Neurological Disorders. 2004.

    70.   Dworkin, J.P., Hill, S., Stachler, R.J., & Kewson, D. Swallowing function outcomes following          nonsurgical therapy for advanced stage laryngeal carcinoma. Dysphagia , 10, 66-74 (2006).

    71.   Dworkin, J.P., Stachler, R.J., Shaw, A., & Meleca, R.J. Medialization thyroplasty versus                    injection laryngoplasty for unilateral vocal fold paralysis: A comparative analysis of functional          outcomes. Journal of Medical Speech-Language pathology,  14, 1-13 (2006).

    72.   Dworkin, J.P., Dickson, M., Stachler, R. & Yoo, G. Tracheoesophageal speech rehabilitation:           Managing complications to ensure successful treatment outcomes. Journal of Medical Speech-           language Pathology,  14, 97-109 (2006).

    73.   Dworkin, J.P. Laryngeal inflammation: Types, causes, & treatments. Otolaryngologic Clinics of         North America, 419-436 (2008).

    74.   Krouse, J., Dworkin, J., Carron, M., &  Stachler, R. Baseline laryngeal effects among                         individuals with dust mite allergy. Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, 149-151 (2008).

    75.   Dworkin, J.P., Reidy, P., Krouse, J.H. & Stachler, R.J. Effects of sequential dust mite                         stimulation: on the anatomy and physiology of the larynx. ENT Journal, 88, 793-799 (2009).

    76.   Dworkin, J.P. & Treadway, C. Idiopathic vocal fold paralysis: Treatments and outcomes.                   Journal of Neurological Sciences , 284, 56-62 (2009).

    77.   Mao, J., Kayali, F., Dworkin, J., Stachler, R., & Mathog, R. Conservative management of                  iatrogenic esophageal perforation in head and neck cancer patients with esophageal                             stricture. Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 505-511 (2009).

    78.   Dworkin, J.P., Klapchar, R., & Madgy, D. Masses that arise within or encroach upon the                    parapharyngeal space. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology , 19, 31-44 (2011).

    79.   Dyer, S., Sirigiri, R., Saraiya, S., Dworkin, JP., et al. Congenital lobular capillary hemangioma of the larynx. International Journal of Pediatric Otolaryngology,  (2011).

    80.   Humphreys, I, Saraiya, S., Belenky, W, & Dworkin, J.  Nasal Packing with Strips of Cured                Pork as Treatment for Uncontrollable Epistaxis in a Patient with                                                           GlanzmannThrombasthenia.  Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology, 120 (11),  732- 736, (2011).

    81.   Thottam,P.J., Haupert,M., Saraiya, S., Dworkin,J.P.,  Sirigiri,R., & Belenky, W. Functional              endoscopic sinus surgery  (FESS) alone versus balloon catheter sinuplasty (BCS) and                         ethmoidectomy: A comparative outcome analysis in pediatric chronic rhinosinusitis,  Int. J.                Pediatic Otorhinolaryngol,  76 (9),1355-60 (2012).

    82.  Dworkin, J.  Dysarthria.The Gale Encyclopedia of Neurological Disorders, Second Edition. Ed.Brigham Narins, Gale, (2012).

    83.   Meshkinfam, S., Haupert, M., Poulik, J., Dworkin, J., Tabassum, F., Zegarra-Linares, R.McGrath, E. Mycobacterium Avium Complex Associated Bronchocentric Granulomatosis of the Mainstem Bronchus in an Immunocompetent Child Presenting as an Airway Foreign Body. Consultant in Primary Care, 108-110, February, (2013).

    84.   Dyer, S., Durvasula,P., Bathula,S., Sana,S., Madgy,D., Haupert,M., & Dworkin,J.                               Intraoperative Use of FloSeal to  Prevent Adverse Postoperative Outcomes in pediatric                       patients. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 149, 312-317 (2013).  

    85.   Rutt, A., Dworkin,J., & Stern, N.  Supraglottic Obstruction in an adult with inspiratory arytenoid cartilage prolapse. Otolaryngology (open access) 4: 165 (2014).

    86.  Dworkin, J.P., Thottam,P.J., Madgy, D., & Saraiya, S.  Pathologies that Threaten the                          Pediatric Airway. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 21 (2), 91-106, (2014).  

    87.  Cannito, M., Chorna, L., Kahane, J, & Dworkin, J.  Influence of voicing characteristics on                 sentence productions in abductor versus adductor spasmodic dysphonia. Journal of Voice, 28             (3), 394-407 (2014).        

    88.   Rutt, A., Dworkin J., Kim H, et al.  Swallowing function after non-surgical treatment for                   advanced hypopharyngeal or laryngeal cancer.  Journal of Medical Speech-Language                          pathology, 21 (4), 357-368 (2014).

    89.   P.J. Thottam, C. Metz,  M.C. Kieu, J. Dworkin-Valenti, J. Jagini. FESS versus Balloon                      Sinuplasty as  Long-term Treatment for Pediatric Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A 2-Year Post-                   operative Analysis.  Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, January,              (2015).        

    90.   Dworkin-Valenti, J., Dowdall, J.,  Kubik, M, Thottam, P., & Folbe, A.  Role of the modified              barium swallow study and esophagram in patients with chief complaints of a globus sensation.           Dysphagia,  DOI 10.1007/s00455-015-9629-y,  (2015).   

    91.   Belafsky, P, Peake, J, Smiley-Jewell, S, Verma, S, Dworkin-Valenti, J., & Pinkerton, K.                     Eosinophilic laryngitis. Laryngoscope, November, DOI:10.1002/lary.25467, (2015).

    92.   Sugihara, E., Dworkin-Valenti, J., Thottam, P., & Taweel, J. Numb Chin Syndrome and                     Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma: A Prolonged Outcome and Propensity for Younger Age.                Jacobs Journal of Otolaryngology, 1(2): 010, (2015).

    93.   Dworkin-Valenti, J , Vandjelovic, N. & Bathula,S. The therapeutic value of trans-cricothyroid           injections for  intractable conversion reaction mutism. Annals of Rhinology, Laryngology,                 Otology, 2(8): 1055, (2015).

    94.   Dworkin-Valenti, J. Sugihara, E., Stern, N., et al.  Laryngeal inflammation.  Annals of                        Rhinology, Laryngology, Otology, 2(9): 1058, (2015).

    95.  Klapchar, R., Crigger, B., & Dworkin-Valenti, J. Proliferating trichilemmal cyst with                         lymphadenopathy:  A discussion of cutaneous neoplasms involving the scalp. Journal of Ear,

           Nose, and Throat Disorders, 1 (1) 1002, 1-4 (2016).

    96.   Lane, J., Dworkin-Valenti, J., & Haupert, M. Postoperative Tonsillectomy Bleeding                            Complications in Children: A Comparison of Three Surgical Techniques. International Journal          of Pediatric Otolaryngology, 88, 184-188 (2016).

    97.    Kelley, B., Vandjelovic, N., Neil, D., Amjad, E. & Dworkin-Valenti, J. Tumoral calcinosis involving the airway. Journal of Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders, 1 (1):1101-1104 (2016).

    98.    Dworkin-Valenti, J., McNulty, B., Amjad, E., Sugihara, E., and Naumann, I. Otogenic versus neurogenic dizziness: The neurotology perspective. Current Trends in Neurology, 10, 1-12 (2016).

    99.    Stachler, R. & Dworkin-Valenti, J. Allergic Laryngitis: Unraveling the Myths.

    Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery,  25, 242-246 (2017).

    100.    Patel, S., Dworkin-Valenti, J., & Haupert, M. Secondary airway lesions in patients with                      laryngomalacia. Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery. In Submission.

    101.    Szekely, J., Amjad, E., Evans, M., & Dworkin-Valenti, J. Plummer Vinson Syndrome: Fatal progression in an African American female. Annals of Otolaryngology and Rhinology, 4:1192-1194 (2017).

    102.    Dworkin-Valenti, J., Stachler, R., Stern, N., & Amjad, E. Pathophysiologic perspectives on muscle tension dysphonia. Annals of Otolaryngology and Rhinology. In Submission.
    More Info.
    Raphael Ciuman
    Department of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology
    Marienhospital Gelsenkirchen

    Research Interest: Physiology and Pathology.

    More Info.
    Ho-Sheng Lin
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    Wayne State University School of Medicine

    Research Interest: Sleep apnea Obstructive sleep apnea Sleep apnea surgery Robotic surgery Trans oral robotic surgery Thyroid disease Thyroid cancer Parathyroid disease Robotic thyroid surgery Head and neck cancer HPV Oral/mouth cancer Oropharyngeal cancer Laryngeal cancer Melanoma Molecular markers.

    More Info.
    Clinical Assistant Professor/Attending Physician
    Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    Michigan State University
    More Info.
    Maria J. Worsham
    Senior Scientist
    Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
    Henry Ford Hospital

    Research Interest: Strategic Global Mining of Methylated Promoter Sites in a Diverse ER-Negative Primary Care Breast Cancer Population.

    More Info.
    Ashok R. Shaha
    Department of Head and Neck Surgery
    Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

    Research Interest: Thyroid tumors and head and neck cancer.

    More Info.
    Dale Howard Rice
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    USC School of Medicine
    More Info.
    Anthony J Cmelak
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Vanderbilt Cancer Center

    Research Interest: Radiation, Head and Neck, Radio surgery, HPV, IMRT, IGRT.

    More Info.
    Junan Li
    Research Scientist
    Department of Chemistry
    The Ohio State University

    Research Interest: Cancer genetics, tumor suppressor, structure, genetic alteration, chemo prevention.

    More Info.
    Charles E. Butler
    Department of Plastic Surgery
    University of Texas at Austin

    Research Interest: Breast Hernia Contamination Incisional Hernia Mesh – Characteristics Mesh – Fixation Open Repair Plastic Surgery Surgical Technique Reconstruction Tissue Engineering Tumor Ventral Hernia Mesh –Biologic.

    More Info.
    John Maddalozzo
    Department of Head and Neck Surgery
    Northwestern University

    Research Interest: Midline cervical clefts; rannula’s; thymic cysts; pilomatrixoma; lipoma and general pediatric otolaryngology.

    More Info.
    Gavin W. Britz
    Department of Neurosurgery
    Weill Cornell Medicine
    More Info.
    Kris S Moe
    Departments of Otolaryngology and Neurological Surgery
    University of Washington

    Research Interest: Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

    More Info.
    Sandeep Sheth
    Research Associate
    Department of Pharmacology
    SIU School of Medicine

    Research Interest: Hearing research, cisplatin-induced hearing loss, noise-induced hearing loss, resveratrol, signal transduction, cancer biology, microRNA’s.

    More Info.
    Sinha Uttam
    Associate Professor
    Department of Head and Neck Surgery
    University of Southern California
    More Info.
    Werner Heppt
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology
    Karlsruhe University

    Research Interest: Rhinoplasty, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Sinus Surgery.

    More Info.
    Afshin Teymoortash
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology
    Philipps University

    Research Interest: E.N.T.-Specialist (Otorhinolaryngologist) Certification "Facial Plastic Surgeon"

    Certification "Special E.N.T. and Head & Neck Surgery.

    More Info.
    Peter M. Vogt
    Department of Plastic Surgery
    Leibniz University of Hanover

    Research Interest: Burns Microsurgery or Micro perfusion Transplantation surgical oncology Wound healing, skin replacement, tissue engineering.

    More Info.
    Olivier Gires

    Research Interest: Molecular Oncology Tumor antigens EpCAM Head and neck carcinomas.

    More Info.
    Laszlo Makra
    Associate Professor
    Department of Otolaryngology
    University of Szeged

    Research Interest: Ragweed, pollen climatology, pollen transport, pollen concentration forecast, pollen statistics.

    More Info.
    James Anthony McCaul
    Department of Philosophy
    University of Glasgow

    Research Interest: Oral cancer, reconstruction, telomeres, telomere biology, vital staining, dysplasia, screening, dielectrophoresis, Neck surgery, sentinel node biopsy, salivary pathology, salivary carcinoma, clinical trials.

    More Info.
    Suzanne S Abraham
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Surgery (Otolaryngology)

    Research Interest:  head neck cancer as well as dysphagia to my areas of expertise.

    More Info.
    Jan B. Vermorken
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology
    University of Antwerp

    Research Interest: Gynecologic oncology, and head and neck oncology.

    More Info.
    Pedro Costa de Araujo
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Medicine
    University of Liege

    Research Interest: Rhinology, allergy, immunotherapy, rhinoplasty, sinus.

    More Info.
    Marc Hamoir
    Department of Head & Neck Surgery
    St Luc University Hospital
    More Info.
    Sabrina Danniela
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Mcgill University

    Research Interest: McGill Head and Neck Oncology.

    More Info.
    ming zhang
    Assosiate Professor
    Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology
    University of Alberta
    More Info.
    Jadranka Handzic
    Department of Otolaryngology
    University Hospital Center and Medical School

    Research Interest: Hearing loss, Otitis media with effusion, Central auditory processing disturbance, speech recognition disorders, disorder of speech aquisition, gender differences in central auditory disorders accompanied with otitis media with effusion.

    More Info.
    Arnaud Devèze
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Aix Marseille University

    Research Interest: Research Interest: Endoscopic and minimally invasive surgery, Otology and neuro-otology, Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery.

    More Info.
    Iordanis Konstantinidis
    Associate Professor
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
    More Info.
    Giannis Vlastos
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Latriko Childrens Hospital

    Research Interest: Paediatrics,Journal of Science and Technology, ENT, Embiodiagnostics.

    More Info.
    Ryuji Yasumatsu
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology
    Kyushu University
    More Info.
    Yasuaki Harabuchi
    , Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    Asahikawa Medical University

    Research Interest: Immunology of upper respiratory tract, tumor immunology and biology of head and neck cancer.

    More Info.
    Masafumi Ohki
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Saitama Medical University

    Research Interest: 1. Neuro-otology 2. Otorhinolaryngology 3. Eye movement control in cerebellum 4. Facial nerve palsy.

    More Info.
    Katsumi Doi
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Kinki University

    Research Interest: Otology”, “neuro-otology”,“audiology”, “middle ear surgery”, and “inner ear.

    More Info.
    Kenichi Kaneka
    Associate Professor
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    Nagasaki University

    Research Interest: Laryngology and Phonosurgery, Thyroid Cancer, Palliative.

    More Info.
    Yasuhiko Hayashi
    Department of Neurosurgery
    Kanazawa University

    Research Interest: Brain Tumors (Hypothalamic and Pituitary Tumors), 2. Tumor Biology 3. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 4. Neuroendoscopy.

    More Info.
    Sho Kanzaki
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
    Keio University

    Research Interest: Otolaryngology specialist,# Clinical otology and neurotology, Otologic and Neurotologic research (middle ear surgery and inner ear disease (sensorineural hearing loss ), # Basic research, Bone metabolism of middle ear, Drug and gene therapy , Protection of cochlear damage.

    More Info.
    Kaoru Ogawa
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Keio University

    Research Interest: Neck Surgery.

    More Info.
    Giuseppe Spriano
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    National Cancer Institute Regina Elena
    More Info.
    Lorenzo Lo Muzio
    Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
    University of Foggia

    Research Interest: Head and Neck Cancer and Precancerous Conditions Oral Immunopathology and Infection Stem Cell Biology and Its Application.

    More Info.
    Claudio Caldarelli
    Maxillofacial Surgery
    Northern Turin Ospedale San Giovanni Bosco

    Research Interest: Oral Squamous cell carcinoma, salivary gland tumors, Oral Oncology, Paragangliomas, carotid body tumors.

    More Info.
    Alberto Deganello
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Otolaryngologist / Head and Neck Surgeon
    University of Florence

    Research Interest: Head and neck oncology,and head and neck reconstructive surgery

    More Info.
    Leonardo Manzari
    Department of Otoneurology
    Rome University

    Research Interest: Labyrinthitis/Vestibular Neuronitis ,Otology and Neurootology , vestibular disorders , Otoliths , semicircular canals dysfunction , Meniere's disease.

    More Info.
    Gianfranco Favia
    Department of Odontostomatology
    University of Bari

    Research Interest: Head and neck pathology,- Oral manifestation of systemic disease,- Dentistry,- Implantology,- Oral surgery,- Oral Cancer,- Odontogenic Tumours.

    More Info.
    Marialuisa Appetecchia
    Department of Oncological Endocrinology
    Sapienza University of Rome

    Research Interest: Thyroid, thyroid cancer, neuroendocrine tumors, diagnosis and treatment.

    More Info.
    Andrea Lovato
    Reseach Fellow
    Department of Clinical Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
    University of Padova

    Research Interest: Head and Neck cancer; laryngeal carcinoma; biomarkers; prognosis; sudden hearing loss; OSAS; nasal citology; rhinitis.

    More Info.
    Meir Warman
    Senior Physician
    Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
    University and Hadassah Medical School

    Research Interest: Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Nasal polyps, Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS / ESS).

    More Info.
    Rabia Shihada
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    Bnai Zion Medical Center
    More Info.
    Itzhak Braverman
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
    Hillel Yaffe Medical Center

    Research Interest: Rhinology, nose and paranasal sinuses physiology and diseases (human ciliary function in normal and chronic sinusitis), balloon sinuplasty technology, snoring and sleep apnea, diagnosis and treatment of obstructing sleep apnea, chronic tonsillitis, coblation technology, dysphagia.

    More Info.
    Jong Lyel Roh
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    University of Ulsan College of Medicine

    Research Interest: I. Head and neck oncology II. Organ preservation by minimally invasive surgery, laser and robotic surgery III. Oncologic research: chemo- & radio-resistant mechanism, ROS, cancer metabolism, p53 reactivation, ceramide metabolism IV. Quality of Life of head and neck cancer patients  V. Laryngology.

    More Info.
    Yon Seon Kim
    Associate Professor
    Department of Surgery
    Ulsan University Hospital

    Research Interest: Thyroid, Parathyroid, Neck dissection, miRNA//CV, Photography.

    More Info.
    Kyung Tae
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    Hanyang University

    Research Interest: Thyroid surgery, Thyroid cancer, Head and Neck Oncology, Robotic Head and Neck Surgery.

    More Info.
    Fang-Lu Chi
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Fudan University
    PR China

    Research Interest: Neurotology and lateral skull base surgery, Inner ear hair cell regeneration, Cochlear implantation research, Vestibular vertigo.

    More Info.
    Zheng-Min Xu
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Fudan University
    PR China

    Research Interest: Head and Neck Surgery.

    More Info.
    Ping Zhang
    Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
    hanghai Jiao Tong University
    PR China

    Research Interest: Molecular diagnosis and target therapy of head and neck cancer, cancer stem cell in head and neck cancer. 

    More Info.
    Jianhua Qiu
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Fourth Military University
    PR China

    Research Interest: Otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery、 auditory implant、air cells injury and regeneration、 cochlea stem cells.

    More Info.
    Dehui Wang
    Associate Professor
    Deptaprtment of ENT, Otolaryngology
    Fudan University
    PR China

    Research Interest: 1. American Journal of otolaryngology,2. Rhinology, 3. Acta of otorhinolaryngology,4. laryngoscope, 5. Otorhinolaryngology.

    More Info.
    Qian-Hui Qiu
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology
    Guangzhou University
    PR China
    More Info.
    Ji Tong
    Department of Oral Maxillofacial -Head Neck Oncology
    Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    PR China

    Research Interest: Oral cancer, head neck reconstruction.

    More Info.
    Zhenghui Wang
    Associate Professor
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    Xian Jiaotong University
    PR China

    Research Interest: Tissue engineering; tumor biology.

    More Info.
    Lai-Ping Zhong
    Department of Oral/Maxillofacial-Head/Neck Oncology
    Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    PR China

    Research Interest: Oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, Translational researches in oral cancer ,Clinical trials in head and neck cancer.

    More Info.
    Yu Xu
    Institute of Otolaryngology
    Wuhan University
    PR China

    Research Interest: Allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinosinusitis, nasal endoscopic surgery.

    More Info.
    Wanjun Chen
    Associate Chief Physician
    Department of Head & Neck Surgery
    Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute

    Research Interest: Cancer, tumor, thyroid/parathyroid, larynx, pharynx, nasal cavity/sinus, salivary glands; oral cavity;neck.

    More Info.
    Shuhua LI
    Department of Otolaryngology
    General Hospital of Shenyang Military Area Command

    Research Interest: Seep apnea, Obstructive, Surgery

    More Info.
    Zilong Yu
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Capital Medical University

    Research Interest: Clinical and experimental pathology ,Head and neck ,Bone biology. 

    More Info.
    Shaodong Yang
    Associate Professor
    Department of Pathology
    Wuhan University

    Research Interest: Salivary Gland Cancer, Head and Neck Pathology.

    More Info.
    YuXing Guo
    Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    Peking University
    More Info.
    Bing Yan
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
    Xiamen University

    Research Interest: Head and neck tumor, Raman spectroscopy, diagnosis, treatment.

    More Info.
    Pei-Jian Peng
    Associate Professor
    Department of Medical Oncology
    Sun-Yat-Sen University

    Research Interest: Tumor chemotherapy and pharmacology, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, lung cancer, breast cancer, and gastrointestinal malignant tumors.

    More Info.
    Xiangning Zhang
    Associate Professor
    Department of Pathophysiology
    Guangdong Medical College

    Research Interest: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC); Tumor suppressor genes; cell cycle; cyclins; signal transduction; mitogen activated protein kinase(MAPK); apoptosis; death receptor; caspases; mitochondrion; tumorigenic viruses; Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).

    More Info.
    Wang Fusen
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Baoan Peoples Hospital of Shenzhen City

    Research Interest: Inner ear, inner ear pathology .

    More Info.
    Zhengcai Lou
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology
    Wenzhou Medical University

    Research Interest: Tympanic membrane regeneration, and  laryngopharyngeal reflux

    More Info.
    Qian-Hui Qiu
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology
    Guangdong General Hospital
    More Info.
    Liu Lei
    Department of Respiratory Medicine
    Harbin Medical University
    More Info.
    Tian-Run Liu
    Associate Chief Physician
    Department of Otorinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
    Yat-Sen University

    Research Interest: Otology, Skull base diseases, Rhinology, Pharyngolaryngology, phoniatrics, Head and neck surgery,Thyroid diseases, Laryngeal cancer, Nasal / maxillary cancer, Nasopharyngeal cancer, Thyroid cancer.

    More Info.
    Jurek Olszewski
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Medical University of Lodz
    More Info.
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Jagiellonian University

    Research Interest: Paediatric otorhinolaryngology, balance, larynx, voice.

    More Info.
    Raul Gonzalez-Garcia
    Department of Oral and Maxillofacial-Head and Neck Surgery

    Research Interest: Head and Neck Reconstruction; Oral Oncology; Head and Neck Oncology; Microvascularized Free Flaps Reconstruction; Temporomandibular Joint Surgery; Temporomandibular Joint Arthroscopy; Temporomadibular Joint Prosthesis Facial Trauma and Osteosynthesis; Dental Implant Surgery.

    More Info.
    Laurence Hobbs
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology Tan Tock Seng Hospital

    Research Interest: Head and Neck Cancer, HPV, Mucosal immunity, Thyroid, Ultrasound.

    More Info.
    Ali Al-Qahtani
    Associate Professor
    Department of Medicine
    King Khalid University
    Saudi Arabia
    More Info.
    Dong-Hee Lee
    Associate Professor
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Catholic University of Korea
    South Korea

    Research Interest: Otology, Neurotology, Otorhinolaryngology.

    More Info.
    Mu-Kuan Chen
    Department of Head and Neck Society Changhua Christian Hospital

    Research Interest: Head and neck surgery and treatment ,Medical Imaging ,Biostatistics ,Biochemistry.

    More Info.
    Wan Fu Su
    Associate Professor
    Department of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery
    Duke University

    Research Interest: 1.Salivary gland transplantation .2.nerve branch to posterior cricoarytenoid muscle.3. synkinesis between adductors and abductors.

    More Info.
    Wen-Cheng Chen
    Associate Professor
    Department of Radiation Oncology Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

    Research Interest: 1.CNS tumor, 2.Head & Neck cancer, 3.Urologic cancer, 4.Colorectal cancer, 5.Radiation biology, 6.Big Data research.

    More Info.
    Department of Otolaryngology
    National Yang-Ming University

    Research Interest: Middle ear surgery; Hearing research; Neuroplasticity; Otolaryngology.

    More Info.
    Li Ching Lin
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Chi-Mei Foundation Medical Center

    Research Interest: Head and Neck cancers, Radiotherapy, Side effects of Radiotherapy.

    More Info.
    Sheng-Chieh Chan
    Department of Nuclear Medicine Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

    Research Interest: Radionuclide neurology, 2. Radionuclide oncology-Head and Neck cancer, 3. Radionuclide oncology-Esophageal cancer.

    More Info.
    Wen-Hung Wang
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Occupational Therapist
    Fu-Jen Catholic University

    Research Interest: Head and Neck Cancer, Cochlear Implant, Narrow-band Imaging Endoscopy.

    More Info.
    Bay Karim Diallo
    Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery
    akar University
    More Info.
    Kamel Ferrat
    Sr, Research Fellow
    spoken communication and speech pathologies
    Center for Scientific and Technical Research for the Development of the Arabic Language (CRSTDLA)

    Research Interest: Speech disorders, total laryngectomy, parkinsonian voice, automatic classification of speech disorders.

    More Info.
    Katia Nemr
    Department of Physiotherapy
    University of Sao Paulo

    Research Interest: Voice, Voice disorders, rehabilitation os head and neck surgery.

    More Info.
    Fernando L Dias
    Department of Head and Neck Surgery
    University of Rio de Janeiro

    Research Interest:  Head and Neck Cancer, Craniofacial Surgery, Surgical and Non-Surgical Management.

    More Info.
    Rogerio Aparecido Dedivitis
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Head and Neck Surgery
    University of Fundacao Lusiada

    Research Interest:  Laryngeal cancer / dysphonia / dysphagia.

    More Info.
    Mohannad Al-Qudah
    Associate Professor
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Jordan University of Science and Technology

    Research Interest: Endoscopic sinus surgery, Otology, head and neck oncology, and skull base surgery.

    More Info.
    Primuharsa Putra
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
    KPJ Healthcare University College
    More Info.
    Abdel Razek
    Diagnostic Radiology Department
    Mansoura University
    More Info.
    Fuat Tosun
    Department of Oral/Head and Neck Surgery
    Gulhane Military Medical Academy
    More Info.
    Ramazan Karabulut
    Department of Pediatric Surgery
    Gazi University
    More Info.
    BK Prasad
    Department of ENT and HNS
    Military Hospital Kirkee

    Research Interest:  1. Palato-pharyngeal approach to the Parapharyngeal Space, 2. Nasopharyngeal Teratoma, 3. Kimura’s Disease : An Unusual Case of Neck Mass, 4. Dysphagia Aortica, 5. ENT morbidity in high altitude, 6. Thymic cyst causing hoarseness, 7. Multiple port frontal sinusotomy – its role in CSF rhinorrhea, 8. A comparative study of open tracheostomy and percutaneous tracheostomy in ICU , 9. Surgical approach in giant retrosternal goiter, 10. Nasopharyngeal tuberculosis, 11. Factors responsible for recividism in Allergic Fungal   Rhinosinusitis.

    More Info.
